British Education Elijah Young 8K
In Britain we learn the following subjects: English/Literature Mathematics/Numeracy Science Religious Education (RE) History Geography ICT (Computer Education) French & Spanish DT (Design and Technology) Physical Education Music, Art, Dance & Drama (Expressive Arts) Citizenship & Guidance
School We go to school for six hours a day, between 8:30 and 3:35, five days a week (Monday to Friday). We have a different teacher for every subject and everyone is put into groups called forms, where we are registered by a form tutor. In form we have daily announcements, receive letters, forms, bills and detentions through a folder called the register. The form tutor takes our names every morning and after lunch to make sure we are all here. We can be marked absent or late as well as present. You need to bring a letter or note from parents to tell your form tutor what has happened to you. You can get green forms to allow you to leave school for dentist or doctor appointments.
Lessons, Classes and Holidays Lessons run 45 minutes and there are seven of them in a day. Sometimes, lessons can run two periods. These are called double lessons. In each lesson, you are given homework, which must be completed in time set. If you don’t complete homework, you may get a detention. The majority of lessons happen more than once a week, such as English, Maths and Science, but others only happen once a week, such as Dance, Art and Music. These lessons usually last two periods as we only have them once a week. We have holidays called half term when we take a week off. We also have teacher training days, where we take one day off. We also have Enterprise Week, in which we have no normal lessons, and Sixth Form train to get a job, and Charity Week, where we have no normal lessons, but instead do activities for charity. We also have holidays for Christmas, Easter and Summer
School Rules You can’t eat or drink in school time, or eat or drink in hallways or classrooms at anytime. You can’t swear, be racist, sexist or homophobic, gamble, fight, or bring contraband items into school. You must do your homework and schoolwork on time under penalty of detention. We have facilities for doing homework, so you have no excuse. You must attend school without being late or absent. If you are late or absent you must have a good reason. Also. you cannot leave school unless you have a green slip and a note. You are allowed to ride bikes to school, but they must be locked up during school hours. You are also allowed to bring coats, hats and scarfs if it is cold, but they must be put away during school hours.