[Add: Name National Initiative] Add your National Initiative’s logo [Add: Name National Initiative] [Add: Name presenter] GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Organizational structure Add your National Initiative’s logo Organizational structure Summarize your organizational structure including: Date of creation Outline of your leadership and officers including contact information Sponsors, key partners, stakeholders and liaisons GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Add your National Initiative’s logo Participation model Express the overall number of members optionally list all or a selection of your members Explain your membership model e.g., the range of fees you charge Outline your financial situation and if you consider your financial model as successful and sustainable Name learnings, success-factors but also issues you are facing concerning your financial model Hints and recommendations to other national initiatives GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Add your National Initiative’s logo Activities List the main activities of your national initiative, such as Events (past and planned) Congresses, Connectathons, Demonstrations, ... Marketing activities Website, Press, Newsletters, Publications, ... Education activities Webinars, cooperation with universities, ... Engagement in local projects Health record projects, Imaging projects, ... Lobbying work and collaborations with other organisations with your government, chambers of physicians/pharmacists, vendor associations, standards-organizations, vendor-associations, ... GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Deployment of IHE in Projects Add your National Initiative’s logo Deployment of IHE in Projects Region/Country Organization Name Profiles Status (planning, installation, operational) Contact GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Add your National Initiative’s logo Strategic Goals Summarize your strategic goals for the next 1-2 years Optionally including activities fulfilling those goals (high-level) GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Add your National Initiative’s logo Challenges and issues Summarize challenges and issues you were or are facing, such as in the areas of organizational maintaining membership level financial sustainability marketing getting or maintaining contact with government or projects workload and lack of resources or volunteers ... GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Questions to and Expectations from IHE International Add your National Initiative’s logo Questions to and Expectations from IHE International Tell us your questions to or expectations from IHE-International, such as (just examples): What should IHE International do better? Shall IHE International create something (a process/method/tool/event/etc.)? Shall IHE International change something regarding meetings/transparency/reporting, etc.? In which direction shall IHE as initiative evolve? … GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
Questions to and Expectations from GDC Add your National Initiative’s logo Questions to and Expectations from GDC Tell us your questions to or expectations from the Global Deployment Coordination Committee (GDC), such as (just examples): What should GDC do better? Shall GDC create something (a process/method/tool/event/etc.) because it would help you as a deployment committee? Shall GDC change something regarding meetings/transparency/reporting, etc.? … GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table
This we like everyone other to know! Add your National Initiative’s logo This we like everyone other to know! Tell us what you would like everyone to know, such as Announcements Hints or recommendations Important learnings Important things going on in your country/region which are of global interest GDC, Chicago, 2 December 2015 Tour de Table