National Education Cluster meeting Monday 16th January 2016 07827 824 415 Skype – KatyNoble.HST 0780 928 8702 Skype – mugabi-fred 07511 240 140 Skype – Abdirisak09 0750 475 0567 Skype – Samirizzat 0780 1964 520 Skype – buulaay1 0780 921 4815 Skype – ashihan
Introduction from both MoE Criteria?
Previous Meeting Action Points Responsible Status The Cluster to follow with MoE Federal on textbook issue and update interested partners Cluster Team MoE Federal will update in the next education cluster meeting The MoE KRG to update on enrollment (Back to School campaign) in the next meeting MoE KRG KRG MoE will update in the next education cluster meeting Cluster Team to share with Cluster members on the next steps on the HRP and HNO Updates Shared with the Partners
Cluster Team: Cluster Coordinators Information Management 07827 824 415 Skype – KatyNoble.HST 0780 928 8702 Skype – mugabi-fred 07511 240 140 Skype – Abdirisak09 0750 475 0567 Skype – Samirizzat 0780 1964 520 Skype – buulaay1 0780 921 4815 Skype – ashihan
Back to School campaigns – KRI MoE
Humanitarian Response Plan 2017 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) development update: ‘People in Need’ number finalised and submitted to OCHA HNO narrative is finalised and shared with the partners and OCHA. Education cluster standard indicators finalised and shared with Partners and OCHA OPS closed Saturday midnight Strategic Review Team are meeting on Tuesday morning to review all submissions and select those to be included in the 2017 HRP Cluster Coordinators defend this portfolio on 23rd Jan to the HCT Final Education portfolio finalised by 26th based on HCT instructions
Refugee Education Update - UNHCR
EiE Funding Opportunities PRM Deadline Monday 6th Feb, 8pm (Iraq time). Funding is for refugees, IDPs & returnees in Iraq. IDP or Syrian Refugee projects: Minimum $500,000, maximum $3m per year. Duration to be 12 or 24 months Joint projects (IDP and Refugee): Minimum $500,000, maximum $4m per year. Duration to be 12 or 24 months Projects need to be aligned to 3RP (refugee plan) and/or the HRP (IDP plan). Duration to be 12 or 24 months PRM looks favorably on programs with the ability to operate in multiple locations, particularly those that can feasibly work in central/southern Iraq Project start date: September 1, 2017
EiE Funding Opportunities ECHO HIP HIP will be released in February Children of Peace (EiE only grant) has been taken out and EiE is now incorporated into the general HIP Emphasis will be on: Integrated programmes (e.g. EiE and CP) Life-saving elements Accountability to communities Geographical hotspots for displaced people New Single Form to be used for applications
EiE Funding Opportunities IHPF National NGO $2m allocation (for all Sectors… very small pot!) The Call for Proposals was published on Saturday, but we will only know on Thursday or Friday this week exactly which NNGOs are eligible.. Priority will go to frontline NNGOs who didn’t receive IHPF funding last year Only for life-saving activities and hard to reach areas / hotspot areas (including but not limited to Mosul, Hawiga, Tal Afar) Deadline for submission: 8th February
EiE Funding Opportunities IHPF Standard Call The IHPF Standard Allocation is coming soon (maybe February or early March) All projects have to be in line with HRP 2017 Funding will be for first line response activities $36m is the possible envelope for all sectors to bid for
Mosul - operational update Rapid assessment in newly retaken areas Al-Samah neighborhood of Mosul City (10th January) Strong need for psychosocial support and Mine Risk Education In eastern Mosul city, registration for the schools hasstarted, and 30 schools plan to re-open in the next week (w/c 15th Jan) if furniture procurement goes on time. Needs expressed by DoE were: rehabilitation for partially damaged schools (including provision of caravan classrooms); stationary and study materials; uniforms; human resource for teachers and school staff (guards, cleaners, other workers for school management) The 1 school visited in Al-Samah neighborhood (Imam Zahuli school - primary and secondary) had less than 5% damage, and is able to reopen school if teachers and staff are available. Damage to the schools’ water system - no taps were functional & no running water in the toilets. Cluster Assessment mission to East Mosul on Wednesday, we will share the assessment findings on Thursday (Kokjali, Intisar, Samah, Zahraa, Tahrir)
Mosul - operational update Rapid assessment in newly retaken areas Have any other rapid EiE assessments been done lately? Has your organisation done any? Are teams in your organisation doing any WASH assessments? Or Food assessments? Or Shelter assessments? If you can’t join them, PLEASE ASK THEM TO INCLUDE 3 OR 4 EDUCATION QUESTIONS IN THEIR ASSESSMENT MISSION!!! We have our Cluster Rapid EiE assessments ready for you to use / adapt, so no work needed to create a tool. PLEASE SHARE ANY ASSESSMENTS / FINDINGS WITH THE EDUCATION CLUSTER – YOU ARE OUR EYES AND EARS ON THE GROUND UNICEF Assessment plans with DoE Ninewa using Kobo Tool. 1st assessments will be in Qarrayah.
Mosul Crisis Response: Education Dashboard 15 Jan 2017 Funding required: $10m Current Funding: $31% Current No. Partners: 10 Type of Orgn Among the recently displaced people by the Mosul emergency, 39,370 children are school aged (35% of IDP population) Children Displaced* 50,774 A total of 10,479 (4,993 girls) IDP children have been enrolled in the over 24 TLSs in Khazer, Hasansham, Qayyarah, Jad’ah, Qaymawa, Zelikan camps and in Rehabilitated Classrooms in Tikrit and Alam. Children enrolled in TLS 13,201 Displaced school-aged children in camps are urgently not accessing any form of education activities due to funding gaps IDP Children Need EiE Support 37,573 Children reached per activity Challenges -Education for the children in non camp and return areas remains at stake given lack of funding. -Space for Education activities remains limited in some camps. -Access to some camps such as Qayarrah remains a challenge limiting the continuity of education activities Contact:
Map of active Mosul EiE partners (12-01-2017 CCCM map) (P) = Planned
Mosul - operational update Challenges faced by EiE partners Are any of our frontline EiE partners facing any challenges in the field that you need Cluster support from? We can raise issues higher up the chain of command in the MoE or OCHA Let us know!
Mosul - operational update Schools as shelter: The Cluster Guidance Note on using Schools as Shelter was shared with both MoE and all DoEs. Partners are reminded to report to the Cluster whenever they see schools being used as shelter or being used as screening sites. You are our eyes and ears on the ground, and we won’t hear about schools being occupied otherwise! We can then lobby authorities to get school buildings emptied.
Inter-Cluster Coordination Education and CP PSS training for teachers After discussion, the education cluster and the CP Sub-Cluster proposes that: if Education team with education budget conducted PSS training for teachers, it will then be reported to Education. if CP team with CP budget conducted PSS training for teachers, it will then be reported to CP Sub-Cluster PSS activities for children PSS activities for children in learning space will be considered as Education activities, and reported under education cluster any PSS activities for children outside of school /learning space(i.e. CFS, communities, peer groups etc.) will be reported to Child Protection Sub-Cluster Child Protection related training Any Child Protection related training / awareness raising (apart from PSS) for teachers and children in learning spaces will be reported under CP Sub-Cluster Topics might include (but not limited to): prevention of family separation; prevention of exploitation; identification of child protection cases and referral pathways (for teachers)
Education Cluster Priorities for 2017 Capacity building for partners – Psycho Social Support, Psychological First Aid, EiE minimum standards (INEE), Mine Risk Education, Accelerated Learning Programmes, Child Protection referrals, how to conduct EiE rapid assessments, proposal writing, etc) MoE and DoE leadership of the National and Sub-National Clusters Advocacy: CCCM – ensuring enough space is allocated to TLS in each camp Donors – to increase funding to EiE Schools as Shelter – use our Cluster Guidance Note to ensure schools aren’t occupied by armed forces or IDPs Redistribution of Federal MoE teachers to emergency camps Registration for exams Payment of teacher salaries Use of Federal MoE’s Accelerated Learning Programme (condensed curriculum) for children who have missed 2-3 years of learning Finalising Iraq’s contextualisation of INEE Minimum Standards Standardizing the EiE response across Iraq (e.g. standardising packages of EiE supplies/kits; ratio of teacher:student; dimensions of TLS; number of latrines; etc) Strengthening South-Central coordination structures Publication of joint Guidance Notes (e.g. WASH in Schools; Transition from CFS to TLS; etc)
Information Management Feedback on Activity Info 2016? Next steps for Indicators for 2017 AI Reporting Reminders Asssesments
AOB: Sub-National meetings Tikrit: Tuesday 17th January, 11am, Sorouh office Dahuk: Tuesday 17th January, 10am, DoE Duhok Erbil: Monday 30th January, 9am, SCI office Sulay: Monday 23rd 2017, 10am reach office (Monthly cluster meeting from now on) Kirkuk: Sunday 22nd January 2017, 11am, SCI office
Next meeting: Monday 30th January 2016 Thank you! Next meeting: Monday 30th January 2016 07827 824 415 Skype – KatyNoble.HST 0780 928 8702 Skype – mugabi-fred 07511 240 140 Skype – Abdirisak09 0750 475 0567 Skype – Samirizzat 0780 1964 520 Skype – buulaay1 0780 921 4815 Skype – ashihan