Kindergarten Curriculum Night L.C. Kerr Elementary School 7:00 pm September 10, 2009
Kindergarten Assessment Levels 3 - Consistent use of skill at grade level 2 – Inconsistent use of skill, lack of full understanding, slightly below grade level 1 – Limited use of skill, well below grade level
First Nine Weeks Objectives Sorts and Classifies by one attribute Uses 1:1 correspondences to identify how many Shares Equally (divides) between two people Listens to and revisits stories Writes first / last name Reads own writing Identifies parts of a book (front, back, title)
Second Nine Weeks Objectives Models and uses directional and positional words Creates and extends patterns Compares and orders sets and numbers Uses words and temporary spelling in writing Writes left to right & spaces between words Uses new vocabulary in own speech and writing Predicts questions about possible events in text
Third Nine Weeks Objectives Uses ordinal numerals (1st - 10th) Estimates quantities less than 10 Collects data to create graphs Recognizes likenesses and differences among shapes Compares two objects using appropriate vocabulary Completes spatial visualization tasks and puzzles Uses a variety of sentence patterns Uses capital letters appropriately
Fourth Nine Weeks Objectives Reads and writes numerals 1-30 Counts objects in a set Rote counts to 30 Names days of the week, months, and seasons Solves problems and shares solutions Expresses knowledge that words begin and end alike Retells a story ( beginning, middle, end, characters) Connects information & events in text to experience
S: Satisfactory N: Needs Improvement Additional Curriculum Areas Science Social Studies Information Skills Additional Curriculum Areas Science Social Studies Information Skills Additional Curriculum Areas Science Social Studies Information Skills Resource Classes Healthful Living (P.E) Computer / Technology Skills Art Music Second Language (ESL) Personal / Social Development Says Full Name (Birth Certificate Name) Says Birthdate (Month, Date, Year) Says Age Says 911 Home Telephone Number Says 911 Home Address Says Parent's / Guardian's Name Assessment Scale S: Satisfactory N: Needs Improvement
Work Habits / Social Behavior Child Needs Parent Involvement With: Works Independently Follows Directions Obeys School / Class Rules Exhibits Self-Control Completes Homework Assignments Works Neatly Uses Time Wisely Child Needs Parent Involvement With: Attending School Regularly Arriving at School on Time Not Leaving School Early Practicing Nightly with Math, Alphabet,Writing, Sight Words and Oral Reading Skills.
Writing Objectives North Carolina Course of Study Write…From the Beginning: A K-5 Developmental Program for School-wide Writing Success
Write… From the Beginning: Personal Narrative Goals for Kindergarten
Write… From the Beginning: Personal Narrative Goals for Kindergarten
Phonemic Awareness The ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in words. Recognizing the individual sounds that combine to make words. The strongest predictor of reading success.
Key Principals of Phonemic Awareness The English Language has approximately 40 phonemes. Each phoneme has a correct vocal gesture. Kindergartners receive 10-15 minutes of daily instruction in phonemic awareness.
Phonemic Awareness Assessments Identifying words that rhyme Identifying letter sounds
Concepts of Print Print awareness is an important foundation for students learning how to read. Children should posses a broad, general appreciation of the nature of print. They should be aware of how printed material can look and how it works. Kindergarten teachers need to assess what each child knows about print and make sure that each child acquires the print awareness he/she needs for success in reading.
Thank you for coming!