B1 – Sustainability Impact on Vulnerable Populations Leader Presenter: Justyn Poulos – Wisconsin RtI Center Exemplar: Jonathan Jagemann – Milwaukee Public Schools Key Words: Applied Evaluation, Assessment, Training
Maximizing Your Session Participation When Working In Your Team Consider 4 questions: Where are we in our implementation? What do I hope to learn? What did I learn? What will I do with what I learned?
Where are you in the implementation process Where are you in the implementation process? Adapted from Fixsen & Blase, 2005 We think we know what we need so we are planning to move forward (evidence-based) Exploration & Adoption Let’s make sure we’re ready to implement (capacity infrastructure) Installation Let’s give it a try & evaluate (demonstration) Initial Implementation That worked, let’s do it for real and implement all tiers across all schools (investment) Let’s make it our way of doing business & sustain implementation (institutionalized use) Full Implementation
Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheets: Steps Self-Assessment: Accomplishments & Priorities Leadership Team Action Planning Worksheet Session Assignments & Notes: High Priorities Team Member Note-Taking Worksheet Action Planning: Enhancements & Improvements
Session Objectives Identify critical questions to reflect upon throughout implementation of an MTSS (MLSS) framework. Learn about continuous improvement and evaluation processes at the district and state level Identify core features of a comprehensive evaluation report.
Schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years are CLOSING RACE-BASED SUSPENSION RATE GAPS. Declining Suspension Rates Implementing in BEHAVIOR Declining Suspension Rates Implementing in READING 166 Schools 154 Schools
MPS Total Suspensions
Intro/Background State Department thought that if, as a state, we focused on a state-wide effort to prevent academic and behavioral problems, and if we were very intentional about putting equity in the center of the effort, we could reduce and hopefully eliminate the disproportionality that existed in the state.
Wisconsin RtI Center/PBIS Network
Theory of Change Train Implement Fidelity Sustain Outcomes for our Underserved students Outcomes for ALL students Sustain Fidelity Implement Train
Logically Moving Toward Systems Change Short term Medium term Long term Change knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs Change practices and policies Changes to overall system How to intro the short, medium, and long term outcomes of the logic model for schools, without overwhelming people with a full logic model? Ground them in the rationale for the four levels. Long term: The way we do business; improvement in student outcomes Measuring Implementation Improving Implementation over time Sustaining Implementation Student Outcomes
Intentionally Addressing Equity THROUGH: Personal Growth Training/Technical Assistance Data Disaggregation
46% of Wisconsin schools are at FIDELITY or FULL IMPLEMENTATION From 2009-2010 to 2015-2016, 79% of our public schools have engaged with the Wisconsin RtI Center. 85% of these schools have self-assessed their systems. 46% of Wisconsin schools are at FIDELITY or FULL IMPLEMENTATION
Training Want to be sure training leads to implementation. Readiness TA Goal – increasing implementation, not increasing training Training
PBIS Rollout Plan Training
Implementing/Assessing Of those who have trained, which are assessing? Internal Goals – increase implementation/assessment for schools who have been trained. Internalizing/externalizing. Implementing
Do schools who are trained implement? Continuous Improvement Which schools are trained and not assessing? Patterns and Priorities within the state Small Districts High Schools 78-79% statewide MPS – 98-99% Implementing
MPS Fidelity of Implementation Calendar Yearly survey calendar Consistent window year to year ON overall district assessment calendar Reminder in Thursday Update to principals Monthly newsletter to coordinator Follow up with all schools Implementing
MPS Support for Taking and using Assessments How to guides Video guide Reminder in monthly minutes Action planning integrated into monthly minutes WI RtI Center recognition process Implementing
Equity Problem of Practice Implementing
Teaming Learning Team PBIS Team Building Intervention Team (BIT) Academics Tier 1 PBIS Team Behavior/Attendance Tier 1 Building Intervention Team (BIT) Academics and Behavior/Attendance Tier 2 and 3 Implementing
PBIS Team Meetings Meeting Minutes Trauma goal and strategy Disproportionality data and strategy BLAAST and specific goal Staff focus Behavior Lesson Acknowledgement Two-way communication Implementing
BLAAST Referrals by BEHAVIOR Referrals by LOCATION AVERAGE referrals by month ATTENDANCE data Referrals by STUDENT Referrals by TIME Implementing
Are schools implementing with Fidelity? Continuous Improvement What are the patterns of strengths and weaknesses on assessments for those that are assessing and not at fidelity? Statewide 758 of 1257 MPS 110 of 138 Fidelity
Documented Behavior Interventions Fidelity
Sustaining Using PBIS as the framework for all that we do Second Step, Restorative Practices, Trauma Sensitive Practices, Mindfulness, etc MPS 8 Big Ideas Educating the Whole Child Regular message to all schools Appearances at principal institutes Sustaining
Training & Support PBIS New Team Member Training BIT New Team Member Training Data within a MTSS Training Monthly Networking Sessions Rotating topics One team member per school Sustaining
Data Highlights – 2015-16 Annual Report Outcomes
Schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years show an INCREASE in the OVERALL PERCENT OF STUDENTS MEETING TYPICAL FALL TO SPRING MAP GROWTH from 2011-12 to 2014-15. Students’ MAP Growth Rate (Fall - Spring) Implementing in BEHAVIOR Students’ MAP Growth Rate (Fall - Spring) Implementing in READING 97 Schools 113 Schools Typical growth is based on national norms Outcomes
Schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years show declines in OVERALL SUSPENSION RATE from 2009-10 to 2015-16. Declining Overall Suspension Rate Implementing in BEHAVIOR Declining Overall Suspension Rate Implementing in READING 166 Schools 154 Schools Outcomes
MPS schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years show declines in OVERALL SUSPENSION RATE from 2009-10 to 2015-16. Declining Overall Suspension Rate Implementing in BEHAVIOR Declining Overall Suspension Rate Implementing in READING 55 Schools 76 Schools
Data Highlights – 2015-16 Annual Report Decrease in suspensions in every group Significant decrease in suspensions for Black students and Students with Disabilities Outcomes for ALL
Schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years are also CLOSING RACE-BASED GAPS for percent of students meeting typical fall to spring MAP growth from 2011-12 to 2014-15. MAP Growth Rate (Fall - Spring) Implementing in BEHAVIOR MAP Growth Rate (Fall - Spring) Implementing in READING Outcomes for ALL
Schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years are CLOSING RACE-BASED SUSPENSION RATE GAPS. Declining Suspension Rates Implementing in BEHAVIOR Declining Suspension Rates Implementing in READING 166 Schools 154 Schools Did not include Asian because tend to be suspended less than White and showing similar increases Not showing SWD-SWOD and EL-Non-EL Data Gap Data - Inconsistent Outcomes: Anthony provide numbers here 2009-10 2015-16 % Change Behavior: SWD 12.79% 9.59% -3.20% SWOD 6.58% 3.11% -3.47% EL 4.50% 2.44% -2.06% Non-EL 5.03% 2.34% -2.69% Reading: SWD 13.88% 9.40% -4.48% SWOD 8.50% 3.00% -5.50% EL 6.36% 2.36% -4.00% Non-EL 9.99% 4.25% -5.74%
MPS schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years are CLOSING RACE-BASED SUSPENSION RATE GAPS. Declining Suspension Rates Implementing in BEHAVIOR Declining Suspension Rates Implementing in READING Did not include Asian because tend to be suspended less than White and showing similar increases 2009-10 2015-16 % Change Behavior: Black 23.75% 8.88% -14.87% Hispanic 8.16% 3.97% -4.19% Amer Ind 12.41% 8.54% -3.87% Asian 2.81% 0.95% -1.86% White 6.83% 2.54% -4.29% Reading: Black 24.23% 9.30% -14.93% Hispanic 9.39% 3.97% -5.42% Amer Ind 13.83% 10.14% -3.69% Asian 3.51% 0.98% -2.53% White 7.35% 3.27% -4.08 Outcomes for ALL
Schools at fidelity/full implementation for the last 2-3 years have seen a GREATER DECREASE in suspension rates for STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES than the state and schools with no record of implementing. Outcomes for ALL
Annual Evaluation Report Sections: Training/Professional Development Assessment/Implementation Fidelity Sustaining Student Outcomes Gaps closing; ALL students benefitting http://wisconsinrticenter.org/assets/Annual-Report-15-16-web.pdf
Contact Information Justyn Poulos poulosj@wisconsinpbisnetwork.org www.wisconsinpbisnetwork.org Jon Jagemann jagemaj@milwaukee.k12.wi.us