Question 1 What are students graded based on? Student grades are based upon: 20% unit tests/projects 35% classwork/homework/starters 20% quizzes 10% participation/citizenship Please note that most classwork and homework are graded according to student effort. If a student sincerely attempts assignments, they will receive a score of 100%. While quizzes, tests, and projects are graded based on achievement. What are students graded based on?
Question 2 What can students do to get a better grade? There are several things that students can do to improve their grades. First, and possibly most important, students should be in class each day. Attendance is a prime factor in grades. Secondly, students should make sure that all work is completed and turned in. Students should retake any quizzes that they do poorly on. Students should be on time to class. They receive a grade of zero for their starter activity when they come into class tardy. The starter activity grades may not be made up. What can students do to get a better grade?
Question 3 Students will be given a student grade report on the last day of most weeks. This is a great opportunity for students to ask questions and clear up any mistakes or misunderstandings on their grades. Students are also welcome to come in before or after school each day. During passing periods and class time, math teachers will be very busy setting up lessons for the period. This is not a good time to check with him about grades. Students may also access their grades at any time through Skyward. Weekly reports will be emailed to parents. When can students come in to see their teacher about their grades?
Question 4 When papers are turned in late, they are usually graded by the end of each week. If the grade is not posted by the end of the week, then it probably means: There was not a name on the paper, The paper is still in the make up basket and has not been graded, or The teachers missed the paper when he was scoring grades. If a student sees that a grade has not been posted for work that they have turned in, they should see their math teacher when he is going over grades on Friday and look in the file of work that has been turned in to see if the paper is there. My student told me that he/she had turned work into you but the grade has not been posted on Skyward. How does he/she find out about the work that was turned in?
Question 5 How often is homework required? Students will be given a homework assignment at the beginning of most weeks. This assignment is a review of basic computational skills that students should have to be successful in Pre-Algebra. The assignment will be due on the last day of the week. Homework assignments will also be given out on days that students are not able to complete assignments in class. Homework and classwork are worth 35% of students’ math grades. How often is homework required?
Question 6 If a student misses class, they should ask members of their group what work they missed. They may also see their classes lesson posted on Mr. Lewis’ blog at From here they will access videos and other web sites that will give them background for what they missed. They will also be given the starter and assignments. Work can be printed out at home, in the media center or in Mr. Lewis’ room. Make sure that you choose the correct day and period for the correct class. If students wants to redo or complete an assignment they may do so and turn it into their class’ basket. Work may be turned in up to a week before the end of the quarter. This deadline is posted for students and they are reminded several times when the deadline is approaching. How do students make up work that they missed or did not turn in?
Question 7 How do students make up or retake quizzes or tests? Quizzes or tests may be made up or retaken any day that Mr. Lewis is available before or after school. He is available on most days at 7:20 in the morning and is available after school on days that that meetings are not held.
Question 8 There is a link to extra credit at Extra credit work must follow the direction at Mr. Lewis’ web page. Mr. Lewis will also give out extra credit assignments in class. Extra credit worksheets are available on the south side of Mr. Lewis’ room. All extra credit assignments must be completely finished with appropriate work being shown for credit. Remember that extra credit is not a replacement for assignments and tests. It will raise a student’s grade slightly. Grades will improve much more if a student makes sure all assignments, quizzes and tests are turned in. Do you offer extra credit for students to help them improve their grades?
Question 9 What can students do at home to help them understand math better? Tutoring is probably the most important support that you might offer at home. The tutor might be a member of the immediate or extended family, a friend in the neighborhood, or someone that has been hired to tutor your student. There is also a wealth of help on the internet. First check Mr. Lewis’ blog at for daily lessons. These lessons include online sites and videos that review what has been covered in class. Each student has access to an online math book at home that will provide an immediate resource to help answer questions. Math books may be checked out upon request.
Question 10 Where can students get extra help with math? At school, teachers are available before and after school almost every day of the week. If we do not have meetings, we will be there to support students. If Mr. Lewis is not in his classroom, any other math teacher would be very willing to help out. Mr. Lewis is available Monday through Thursday from 7:20-7:50 AM and 2:50-3:30 PM when he does not have meetings. If he is in a meeting, it will be marked on the whiteboard in the room. On Fridays, he will be available from 9:20-9:50 AM as well as after school. Where can students get extra help with math?
If you have other questions… Feel free to email Mr. Lewis at Or visit Mr. Lewis’ class by checking in the main office.