Disaster Management 28 February 2017 SK Makinana – National Vice Chairman NWGA
Disaster Management in South Africa Governed by Act No. 57 of 2002 Implemented: The Intergovernmental Committee (ICDM) and National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) Disaster Risk Management in SA is governed by the Disaster Management Act No. 57 of 2002. This Act is implemented through two organs of state – The Intergovernmental Committee on Disaster Management (ICDM) and the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC).
ICDM’s Function Advise and make recommendations to Cabinet President establish committee Cabinet members to administer Act National, regional, municipal representatives The ICDM’s function is to advise and make recommendations to the Cabinet on disaster management issues. The President establishes the committee and cabinet members to administer the Act. The committee includes representatives from all spheres of governement (National, Regional and Municipal).
Disaster Management in South Africa 10 year innovation plan 2008 to 2018 5 Grand challenges Risk and vulnerability to global change has become a key focus of the Dept of Science and Technology’s 10 year innovation plan of 2008 to 2018. This plan includes 5 grand challenges that outline the focus on the development of SA’s knowledge economy where the production and dissemination of knowledge leads to economic benefits and enriches all the fields of human development.
Disaster Management in South Africa Global Climate Research on prevention Early warning systems Field detection Public health infrastructure Treatment mechanisms Global Climate change is one of the Grand Challenge focus areas. Important changes are taking place in the global climate areas but there is still a lot of uncertainty in terms of our understanding of how earth systems operate. The country needs to develop responses, research on prevention and early warning systems, field detection, public health infrastructure requirements and treatment mechanisms also need to be strengthened.
Emerging Sector needs Disaster aid strategies to be in place before disaster strikes Speedy response and support To be managed and coordinated collectively by all stakeholders involved i.e. Government (DAFF), Organised Agriculture, Financial Institutions, Input Suppliers, etc.
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