Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre 3 key pillars Purpose: Objectives of the DRMKC: WHY? Disaster Risk Management is a complex, multi-disciplinary topic. It's operations are governed by subsidiarity (manage at local scale) and solidarity (big disasters are handled at higher level). The EU plays a strong role with the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. There is a clear shift from Disaster Management to Disaster Risk Management. Understanding disaster risk requires a multi-disciplinary approach based on evidence and science. Currently, there are challenges: Networks are fragmented: silos; national networks; too many meetings to follow: no coordination Knowledge is fragmented: silos, language, terminology; there is a lot of science, but it is not used; results from H2020 and FP7 projects are not used Innovation: technology must be tested; capacity must be built. Member states can learn from each other. Objectives of the DRMKC [see text on slide] Improving science-based advice through networks and partnerships Improving the use and uptake of research and operational knowledge Advancing technologies and capacities in disaster risk and crisis management http://drmkc.jrc.ec.europa.eu drmkc@jrc.ec.europa.eu
Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre Purpose: Six objectives of the DRMKC (details): WHAT? Examples: Where knowledge begins Better EU-wide operational impact-based multi-hazard early warning systems ARISTOTLE project Where knowledge applies Network of networks, to coordinate policy advice across disciplines, sectors and nations Disaster Loss Data Working Group; European Flood Awareness Network; Global Flood Partnership; INFORM Index for Risk Management; ERNCIP Critical Infrastructure Protection Where knowledge meets Bi-monthly Newsletters Database of research projects Community of Users Where needs are identified Science for Policy Report (120 scientists, State of Science in DRM) Where gaps are filled Support System: 7 projects where MS help MS, brokered through DRMKC. Example: Develop Sendai compliant national disaster loss database Where innovation is tested European Crisis Management Laboratory (JRC) Network of ECMLs http://drmkc.jrc.ec.europa.eu drmkc@jrc.ec.europa.eu
Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre Purpose: Six objectives of the DRMKC (details) [alternative to slide 2]: WHAT? Examples: Where knowledge begins Better EU-wide operational impact-based multi-hazard early warning systems ARISTOTLE project Where knowledge applies Network of networks, to coordinate policy advice across disciplines, sectors and nations Disaster Loss Data Working Group; European Flood Awareness Network; Global Flood Partnership; INFORM Index for Risk Management; ERNCIP Critical Infrastructure Protection Where knowledge meets Bi-monthly Newsletters Database of research projects Community of Users Where needs are identified Science for Policy Report (120 scientists, State of Science in DRM) Where gaps are filled Support System: 7 projects where MS help MS, brokered through DRMKC. Example: Develop Sendai compliant national disaster loss database Where innovation is tested European Crisis Management Laboratory (JRC) Network of ECMLs http://drmkc.jrc.ec.europa.eu drmkc@jrc.ec.europa.eu
Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre Purpose: show WHO is the DRMKC The DRMKC is an initiative of the European Commission, managed by the Joint Research Centre. Member States participate through an Advisory Board. It is a Commission-wide initiative and involves currently 8 Directorate Generals. It covers core disaster risk policies, but also related policies including climate change, environment, health, security, space, research It is a virtual centre: a network of networks. YOU are part of the DRMKC through your network. (Register on the website!) The DRMKC is a Commission contribution to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and to the World Humanitarian Summit. http://drmkc.jrc.ec.europa.eu drmkc@jrc.ec.europa.eu
Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre http://drmkc.jrc.ec.europa.eu – dmrkc@jrc.ec.europa.eu Purpose: invite to next event: WHEN Engage with us in the next Seminar in November. More info on the website