Implementing Alternative Services: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly AAMVA Region I Conference Lucinda Babers, Director District of Columbia DMV Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Good: Online Transactions Creating/implementing online transactions DC DMV has 30+ transactions Vehicle registration renewals Driver license/ID renewals Email renewal notices Tag cancellations Document verification guide Ticket adjudication submissions Change of address Inspection, road test and ticket hearing appointment scheduling 61% vehicle registrations 33% driver license registration 8% identification cards 10% ticket adjudication submissions For FY11, 40% increase in online transactions
The Good: Online Transactions If you create it, they will come? Not really… Communication of online services Renewal notices, government television, flyers, website, social media Solution for “last minute renewals” 45 day certificates Incent online use Ability to discount online transactions Forced usage Elimination of in-person vehicle registration Ongoing obstacles Those without computers Kiosks and access outside home Those without credit/debit cards Unreliable mail service Computer “glitches” and system “stops” Seniors
The Bad: Mail Transactions Creating/implementing mail transactions DC DMV has 16+ transactions Vehicle registration renewals Driver license/ID renewals Renewal notices Tag cancellations Ticket adjudication submissions Change of address Ticket hearing appointment scheduling Eliminates in-person transactions Labor intensive Dependent on mail service
The Bad: Mail Transactions If you create it, they will come? More often… Communication of mail services Renewal notices and website Solution for “last minute renewals” None due to mail/processing lead time Ongoing obstacles Those without credit/debit cards and checking accounts Unreliable mail service Computer system “stops” Results in “confirmation” phone calls
The Ugly: In-Person Transactions Creating/implementing in-person transactions All DMV transactions If you create it, they will come? Unfortunately… Favored due to ability to obtain immediate service Try eliminating in-person transactions, adding financial penalty or mailing final product Ongoing obstacles Most labor intensive Results in longer customer wait times Contributes to employee overtime and agency financial issues