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Let’s declare IN CHRIST: Ephesians 1 – We have been blessed with EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING in the HEAVENLY REALMS Let’s declare IN CHRIST: I am loved I am holy, blameless and without fault I am adopted into his royal family I receive His empowering grace given to me so I can live I am forgiven of my sins I am free from the power of sin I receive His kindness, wisdom & understanding I am sealed with His Holy Spirit, who is the spirit of grace & peace
Now all glory to God, who is able, through is mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than what we might ask or imagine. 神 能 照 著 運 行 在 我 們 心 裡 的 大 力 充 充 足 足 的 成 就 一 切 , 超 過 我 們 所 求 所 想 的 。 Al que puede hacer muchísimo más que todo lo que podamos imaginarnos o pedir, por el poder que obra eficazmente en nosotros Ephesians 3:20
This dry valley will be filled with water This dry valley will be filled with water. You will have plenty for yourselves and your cattle and other animals. But this is only a SIMPLE THING for the LORD for He will make you victorious over the army of Moab.
MULTICULTURAL – MISSIONS - MIRACLES 4M values MULTICULTURAL – MISSIONS - MIRACLES Multicultural church seminars ICC Kids Multicultural Choir Missional church planting (uni/college campuses) MINISTRY EQUIPPING – The Discipleship Pathway (lens) The Pattern
To see Monday church functioning well: The church must move from - …building walls to building BRIDGES
International City Church Asian Pacific Institute (VET) Multicultural Community Centre (Outreach arm) ICCollege International Christian College
DiverCiti Enterprises Diverciti Services (Cleaning)
To see Monday church functioning well, the church must move from - Building walls to building BRIDGES Measuring attendance to measuring IMPACT Encouraging saints to attend services to equipping the saints for works of service “serve us” to “service” (inward to outward focus) Condemning the city to blessing the city & praying for it
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:26