Warm Up Create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting the similarities of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Behavioral Expectations Some classes are getting close to having a party!! Keep up the positive behavior to earn checks Kickboard behaviors will be documented and used to determine statuses on sports teams.
Academic vocabulary word of the day!! Perspective- Point of view/opinion. How someone feels about something. Their standpoint. What are some examples of perspective that you can think of? What are some synonyms of perspective?
Objective SWBAT understand how and why the pyramids were built.
How were the pyramids built? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lotbZQ55SgU Record: 1 fact 1 opinion 1 question
Does anyone know the purpose of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt Does anyone know the purpose of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt? (Turn and talk to your neighbors and discuss)
The Egyptians built great tombs called pyramids for the pharaohs The Egyptians built great tombs called pyramids for the pharaohs. There enormous structures protected the bodies of the dead pharaohs from floods, wild animals, and robbers.
The Egyptians believed the Pharaohs would be happy after death if they had their personal belongings, and for that reason they covered the pharaohs with their clothing, weapons, furniture, and jewelry. How much energy do you believe went into making these pyramids?
Thousands of workers spent years of hard labor to build the pyramids Thousands of workers spent years of hard labor to build the pyramids. Surveyors, engineers, carpenters, and stonecutters all played a part in building the pyramids.
Independent Practice Complete the reading and comprehension questions.
Group Work Each group will be given a web diagram. Together you will record facts about the pyramid including how they were built and what they were used for. Once you have completed the diagram, groups will turn and talk to compare each other’s answers.
Closure How many people did it take to construct the pyramids? What role did each of these people take on?
Homework What was the most important purpose for the pyramids? Explain your reasoning.