For the San Diego County Region September 2007 Proposed Guidelines for the Submittal of Digital Land Development and Public Improvements Data For the San Diego County Region September 2007
What Types of Digital Data? Land Development Data: Parcels, Rights-of-way, Road Centerlines, Address Data (block ranges, site addresses), Public Improvements: Water, Sewer, Storm Water Facilities, Fire Appurtences, etc. Site Plans: Building Outlines, Entrances, Exits, Parking Lots, etc., Etc.
Background Most land development design is done in a digital environment Materials submitted to agencies for permit and land development review are generated via digital files being plotted in hard copy format This standard for digital submittal leverages this production model so public agencies can acquire this digital data as well as the hard copy versions The eventual goal is to reduce and ultimately eliminate the requirement of hard copy submittals of plans for permit review
What Will the Digital Data Be Used For? Public Safety/Emergency Response Activities: Dispatch centers, In route navigation, On scene management Local Agency Development Review Processes SanGIS Regional Basemap Maintenance
What are the Benefits of Digital Data Submittals to the San Diego Region? More Timely and Efficient Public Safety Response to Emergencies Quicker Update to Agency Geospatial Databases More Efficient and Accurate Development Review Process by Public Agencies Access to Seamless Data Layers of Land-based and Public Improvement Information by Public Agencies
New Development
Fire Pre-Plans
Emergency Response GIS
How Will the Data Submission Process Work? Regional Agencies County Assessor Plans sent back for corrections or further input Paper copies of plans submitted to reviewing agency SanGIS Public Safety GIS Engineering company creates project materials with design software Plan accepted/ Digital submission distribution Agency departments review both digital and paper plans Information that a company creates digitally (CAD software, etc.) for submittal in hard copy format for permit review will also be submitted in digital form for insertion into an agency’s geographic information system (GIS). If the information is formatted according to a common standard, there is less work required by the submitting company when doing business in multiple jurisdictions. The digital data submitted to an agency is used for permit processing/development review, capital improvement planning/construction, maintenance of a public safety mapping system, Digital copy of plans submitted as per agency’s digital submittal guidelines Local Agency Agency GIS Public Works Maintenance & Operations Planning
What does this mean for the Development Community? In addition to hardcopy plans, the development community will also submit digital files that conform to this standard which includes: Format Requirements (e.g. AutoCAD DWG, Intergraph DGN) Submission Requirements (i.e. No externally referenced data permitted, etc.) Data Layer Naming Requirements (i.e. Submit cross-walk table that lists the applicant’s internal layer names with the corresponding layer name in the agency’s standard) File Naming Conventions Media Requirements (e.g. CD, etc.) Explanatory Data (Metadata) Data Integrity Requirements (e.g. horizontal control)
What does this mean for the Participating Agency? Agency is responsible for the enforcement of the standard Agency is entitled to determine a compliance threshold for the standard, if it considers this action necessary Agency is entitled to modify the standards in the document as it pertains to the agency’s specific local requirements
Who Supports This Standard? San Diego County The Following San Diego County Municipalities: Carlsbad, Chula Vista, etc. San Diego Regional GIS Council (SDRGC) San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) San Diego Geographic Information Source (SANGIS) The SDSU Research Foundation Center for Homeland Security
Where to Find the Standard SDRGC Website:
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