Writing Professional Email WRITING RIGHT
Why are you writing ? It is Mandatory to have a meaningful Subject Line in all emails. In the body of the email, set the scene- Maybe refer to a previous letter, contact or document.
To vs. CC : The To and CC fields work similarly. Whether you put four email addresses in the To field or put one email address in the To field and three in the CC field, the four people will all receive the same email. They’ll also be able to see every other recipients’ email address.
CC vs BCC : When you CC people on an email, the CC list is visible to all other recipients. For example, if you CC bob@example.com and jake@example.com on an email, Bob will know that Jake also received the email, while Jake will know that Bob also received the email. BCC stands for “blind carbon copy.” Unlike with CC, no one can see the list of recipients on the BCC list. For example, if you have bob@example.com and jake@example.com in the BCC list, Bob won’t know that Jake received the email, and Jake won’t know that Bob received the email.
When to Use CC and BCC : CC is useful when: You want someone else to receive a copy of an email, but they aren’t one of the primary recipients. BCC is useful when: You want someone else to receive an email, but you don’t want the primary recipients of the email to see you’ve sent this other person a copy. For example, if you’re having a problem with a fellow employee, you might send them an email about it and BCC the human resources department. HR would receive a copy for their records, but your fellow employee wouldn’t be aware of this.
Step 1 : Subject Field ALWAYS include a meaningful heading in the subject line along with a brief outline of what the email body will include. Not more than 5 words. Don’t write words in capital letters e.g. (YOUR CLARIFICATION IS NEEDED) as it reflects shouting.
Step 2 : Mail Body Use the same font size in all your email (recommended from 14 to 19). Use only one font and only one color. ALWAYS address the reader in a professional manner. If you are not sure who the reader is you can see the example on how you could address them, You should make it as personal as possible and avoid (Dear All ) as possible as you can. e.g. Dear Miss Rose Dear Mohammed
Step 3 : Mail Body Start with ice breaker E.g. I wish you a happy day, I hope my email finds you well, Have a great day.
Step 4 : Mail Body ALWAYS check your grammar before sending and NEVER use slang/ text speak e.g. : LOL / WAG1/ WUUP2
Step 5 : Mail Body ALWAYS keep language professional. If necessary ask a friend or colleague to proof read before you send the email. e.g. Would it be possible to request this information from you?
Step 6 : Mail Body e.g. Thank you in advance for your time Be concise and polite. ALWAYS remember to use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. e.g. Thank you in advance for your time
Step 7 : Mail Body ALWAYS check for spelling, grammar, punctuation and any careless mistakes.
Step 8 : Mail Closure Add a signature block at the end of the email to ensure the reader has details on how to contact you. e.g. Emma Watson BSc Sociology and Criminology
Don’t : Don’t overuse “ Dear All” Don’t send unnecessary file Don’t discuss confidential information in group mail Don’t write CAPITAL only , If you write SO , You are shouting Don’t use more than one question mark , ????? Do not use letter colors
THANKS By : Eslam Yehia www.skillspathfinder.com