Writing a better Proposal 2017 DMR Young Investigator Workshop NSF June 8-9, 2017 1
The Basics That’s all there is too it! Have a good idea Advances our knowledge Benefits society Do Your Homework What's funded and where? Read the instructions Write a good proposal That’s all there is too it!
Have a Good Idea Interesting topic Novel approach Build on your strengths Expand your scope But not too much Novel approach Differentiate this work from other sponsored work (and your Ph.D. thesis work)
Do Your Homework Know your field: What is the current state-of-the-art Who are the top ten researchers What are they doing right now What do they consider to be the key research issues Who would likely review your proposal What agencies fund this work What does NSF fund
WWW.NSF.GOV Search Awards
CMP is Program 1710
CMP Awards
Award Data
Award Abstract
Award Search Capabilities
Know what is reasonable Check out the NSF website Talk to a program Officer Median Award Size - $127,000/yr Average Award Size - $128,000/yr Your proposal will be evaluated in competition with all other proposals.
Read the Instructions Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) Program Solicitation Budget guidelines Division and Program webpages
Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) Provides guidance for preparation and submission of proposals to NSF; Allowable fonts, margins, page limits, bio format, etc. Process for deviations from the GPG (there will be none) Process and criteria by which proposals will be reviewed Reasons why a proposal may be returned without review Reconsideration process Process for withdrawals, returns & declinations Award process and procedures for requesting continued support Budget line item definitions Process for submission of collaborative proposals (subawards and multiple proposals)
Mentoring for Postdoctoral Researchers All proposals submitted after April 6, 2009, that include funding to support postdoctoral researchers must include as a supplementary document a 1-page description of the mentoring activities that will be provided for such individuals. Mentoring activities may include: Career counseling; Training in preparation of grant proposals; Publications and presentations; Guidance on ways to improve teaching and mentoring skills; Guidance on how to effectively collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplinary areas; and Training in responsible professional practices.
Mentoring for Postdoctoral Researchers (Cont’d) Proposed mentoring activities will be evaluated as part of the merit review process under the Foundation's broader impacts merit review criterion. Proposals that do not include a mentoring plan will be returned without review.
Data Management Plan Proposals must include a supplementary document of no more than two pages labeled “Data Management Plan,” which may include: the types of data, samples, physical collections, software, curriculum materials, and other materials to be produced in the course of the project; the standards to be used for data and metadata format and content (where existing standards are absent or deemed inadequate, this should be documented along with any proposed solutions or remedies); policies for access and sharing including provisions for appropriate protection of privacy, confidentiality, security, intellectual property, or other rights or requirements; policies and provisions for re-use, re-distribution, and the production of derivatives; and plans for archiving data, samples, and other research products, and for preservation of access to them.
Write a Good Proposal Who are your writing for? Why are you writing The reviewers Know the audience Mail or panel review? Broad or specialized panel? Your PO can help with this. Why are you writing You have chosen an interesting topic You have identified an important problem You have an innovative approach You are qualified
Understand the results How do your read a paper Read the abstract Read the first paragraph Read the Last Paragraph Look at the pictures Look at the references If dull, boring, hard to understand, unclear, … Jump to next paper If these catch your interest Exciting, to the point, well written, … Read in detail Understand the results Reviewers approach proposals in the same way.
Proposal Structure The main proposal Title Page Project Summary Project Narative References Bio’s Budget, justification and C&P Letters of Support Supplementary Information Collaborators (prefer CSV file) Suggested (and excluded) reviewers
Proposal Structure The main proposal The title is the first thing reviewers see. It should be accurate and informative Title Page Project Summary Project Narative References Bio’s Budget, justification and C&P Letters of Support Supplementary Information Collaborators (prefer CSV file) Suggested (and excluded) reviewers
Proposal Structure The main proposal The project summary should quickly describe the grant. It is first thing people read and it has a big influence on their overall view. Title Page Project Summary Project Narative References Bio’s Budget, justification and C&P Letters of Support Supplementary Information Collaborators (prefer CSV file) Suggested (and excluded) reviewers
Proposal Structure The main proposal Title Page Project Summary Project Narative References Bio’s Budget, justification and C&P Letters of Support Expands on the project summary. Should tell a convincing story. Supplementary Information Collaborators (prefer CSV file) Suggested (and excluded) reviewers
Proposal Structure The main proposal Title Page Project Summary Project Narative References Bio’s Budget, justification and C&P Letters of Support One of the few sections with no page limits Supplementary Information Collaborators (prefer CSV file) Suggested (and excluded) reviewers
Proposal Structure The main proposal Title Page Project Summary Project Narative References Bio’s Budget, justification and C&P Letters of Support Supplementary Information Collaborators (prefer CSV file) Suggested (and excluded) reviewers
The Project Summary Introduction Intellectual Merit Broader Impacts What is the scientific problem What is the open question What is your approach Intellectual Merit Why is this important How does it advance the frontiers of knowledge “This study will lead to a deeper understanding of the origins of hidden order in high Tc superconductors.” Broader Impacts How will this impact other fields How will this benefit society Workforce development Educational opportunities Outreach
Style is Important Writing a clear easy to read proposal is essential Visual appeal is important White space, … will help more than words Proofread, proofread, proofread And then proofread again Don’t expect every reviewer to know every acronym. Things aren’t self-evident to everybody The reviewers can’t read your mind
Broader Impacts NSB criteria – IM and BI carry equal weight to promote the progress of science to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense… Intellectual Merit Broader Impact NSB criteria – IM and BI carry equal weight BI includes Production of a trained education workforce … One of our biggest BI’s is educating students. Not self evident so you should point this out
Submit Early Closing Advice DMR has a submission window Currently this is Sept 1-Oct 31 Most proposals come in on the last day T Durakiwiecz, Physics Today, Feb 2016 Reasons not to wait >1 1 0 Days before close Success rate Average Success Rate New automatic compliance checking Won’t accept proposals with compliance errors Last minute proposals have more errors Last minute proposals are less successful
THE END Questions?
Yes Virginia – we still believe in grants!