Overview of Acquisition Claiming in Alma Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian Alma Product Management
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Agenda Introduction and overview Required permissions Types of POL claims and calculation Live examples running the process Claims task list Communicating claims to the vendor Basic setup
Introduction and overview In addition to the information here it is recommended to see the online help section “Acquisitions > Purchasing > Processing Claims”
Introduction and overview The claims are used to allow the library to manage in an organized manner the handling of orders for which the arrival or activation date has not occurred on time. This is done in two ways: Automatically inform a supplier that an item ordered in a POL of “physical one time” has not arrived Send to the claims task list all ordered inventory for all types of POLs for which the item has not arrived or been activated on time
Introduction and overview The claims works according to two types of dates: The expected arrival date for claims for physical inventory The expected activation date for claims for electronic inventory This date is calculated by the system via various parameters.
Introduction and overview On a daily basis the job "PO Line – Claiming" runs. If either of the following date values is earlier than the day the job is run then the POLs will be sent to the claim task list: For physical POLs: "expected receipt date" + "claiming grace period". For electronic POLs: "expected activation date" + "claiming grace period".
Introduction and overview The job “PO Line – Claiming” Does send claim letters directly to the vendor for physical one time POLs. Does not send claim letters directly to the vendor for physical continuous POLs and electronic POLs. For physical continuous POLs and electronic POLs claims may be sent manually by accessing the POL from the claim task list and sending the claim from the “Communications” tab of the POL.
Agenda Introduction and overview Required permissions Types of POL claims and calculation Live examples running the process Claims task list Communicating claims to the vendor Basic setup
Required Permissions The staff user who wishes to process claims must have at least one of the following roles: Purchasing Operator Purchasing Manager Receiving Operator
Agenda Introduction and overview Required permissions Types of POL claims and calculation Live examples running the process Claims task list Communicating claims to the vendor Basic setup
Types of POL claims and calculation Claims are calculated / generated for 3 types of POLs One-time physical PO lines Continuous physical PO lines Electronic PO lines Note: As previously stated letters are sent only for physical one time One Time Note: Claims for database is not relevant as there is no activation date Continuous Electronic
Types of POL claims and calculation We will now look at how the calculation is done for each of the three types of POLs
Types of POL claims and calculation One Time Physical POL Alma calculates the claim date as follows: If using ‘Expected Receipt Date’: ‘Expected receipt date’ + Claiming Grace Period If using ‘Expected receipt after ordering (days)’: Date order was made + ‘Expected receipt date after order (days)’ + Claiming Grace Period Examples on next slide
Types of POL claims and calculation One Time Physical POL If using ‘Expected Receipt Date’: Expected Arrival Date for claiming is Jan. 27. Expected receipt date is Jan. 24. There are 3 grace period days Jan. 24 + 3 = Jan. 27. If using ‘Expected receipt after ordering (days)’: If order was made Jan. 19 then Expected Arrival Date for claiming is Jan. 26. 3 grace days + 4 receipt after ordering days = 7 days Jan. 19 + 7 = Jan. 26.
Types of POL claims and calculation Continuous Physical POL Alma calculates the Expected Arrival Date as follows: ‘Receipt date’ + Claiming grace period + Subscription interval. Example on next slide
Types of POL claims and calculation Continuous Physical POL ‘Expected receipt after ordering (days)’: If last item was received (or initial order was made) on Jan. 19 then Expected Arrival Date for claiming is Jan. 24. 2 grace days + 3 receipt after ordering days = 5 days Jan. 19 + 5 = Jan. 24.
Types of POL claims and calculation Electronic POL Alma calculates the expected activation date as follows: If using ‘Expected Activation Date’: ‘Expected activation date’ + Claiming Grace Period If using ‘Expected Activation after ordering (days)’: Date order was made + ‘Expected activation date after order (days)’ + Claiming Grace Period Examples on next slide
Types of POL claims and calculation Electronic POL If using ‘Expected Activation date’: Expected Activation Date for claiming is Jan. 23. Expected receipt date is Jan. 19. There are 4 grace period days Jan. 19 + 4 = Jan. 23. If using ‘Expected activation after ordering (days)’: If order was made Jan. 19 then Expected Activation Date for claiming is Jan. 26. 4 grace days + 3 expected activation after ordering days = 7 days Jan. 19 + 7 = Jan. 26.
Agenda Introduction and overview Required permissions Types of POL claims and calculation Live examples running the process Claims task list Communicating claims to the vendor Basic setup
Live examples running the process We will now look at live examples of POLs which have an expected arrival date or expected activation date which is earlier than today We will then run the job “PO Line – Claiming” and see what happens A letter will be send to the vendor for the POL of type physical one time All three POLs will be sent to the claim task list
Live examples running the process POL-2701 is print continuous and should have arrived Nov. 02, 2013 + 1 grace day for claiming = Nov. 3, 2013
Live examples running the process POL-2801 is electronic and should have been activated on Nov. 03
Live examples running the process POL-501 is physical one time and should have arrived on Nov. 18
Live examples running the process Now on Nov. 20 we run the process ““PO Line – Claiming”” and all should be sent to the claim task list and a letter should be sent for the physical one time
Live examples running the process Each of the POLs now has a link “Order in claim list” which did not exist before the job was run
Agenda Introduction and overview Required permissions Types of POL claims and calculation Live examples running the process Claims task list Communicating claims to the vendor Basic setup
Now we will access the Claims Task List Note: In the following slides we are showing the claims task list as it appears after doing “acquisitions menu > purchase order lines > claim”
All three POLs appear here and may be faceted as desired Claims Task List All three POLs appear here and may be faceted as desired
Claims Task List From here the expected date (of arrival or activation) can be changed and then the POL will be removed from the task list
Claims task list Note also that after the job “PO Line – Claiming” is run alerts are created for the POLs
Agenda Introduction and overview Required permissions Types of POL claims and calculation Live examples running the process Claims task list Communicating claims to the vendor Basic setup
Communicating claims to the vendor When editing the POL a communication to vendor via email may be made by clicking “start communication” in the communication tab
Communicating claims to the vendor The communication is sent to the vendor
Communicating claims to the vendor For the POL of type physical one time a claim letter is sent to the vendor
Communicating claims to the vendor The claim letter may also be seen in the communications tab of the vendor For POLs of type physical one time the communication is created automatically. Responses can also be added here.
Agenda Introduction and overview Required permissions Types of POL claims and calculation Live examples running the process Claims task list Communicating claims to the vendor Basic setup
The job “PO Line – Claiming” Basic Setup The job “PO Line – Claiming” Can send letters to the vendor for POLs of type physical one time Send the POLs of all types to the POL Claim task list The claim letters will be sent to the vendor only if auto_claim is set to Y in “Acquisition Configuration Menu > General > Other Settings”:
Here are the values in the Vendor Account Basic Setup When we looked previously at how the claim dates were calculated we saw in the POL the following fields: Claiming Grace Period (days) Expected activation after ordering (days) These fields (as well as other related fields) may be defined with default values in the vendor account, and then they will fill in automatically when opening a POL. Here are the values in the Vendor Account