North America - Population CANADA 33.232.863 USA 310.232.863 MEXICO 112.468.855
North America - Population - Age Canada Age 15 - 64 Age 65 - Average age: 40.7 USA Average age: 36.8 Mexico Average age: 26.7
Canada - Population Age 0 - 14 Canada Age 15 - 64 Age 65 - · Average age: 40.7 · Male: 39,6 · Female: 41,8 · Population growth rate: 0.8040% · Average life expectancy: 81.29 · Urbanisation: 80%
USA - Population Age 0 - 14 Age 15 - 64 Age 65 - USA · Average age: 36.8 · Male: 35,5 · Female: 38,1 · Population growth rate: 0.9700% · Average life expectancy: 78.24 · Urbanisation: 82%
Mexico - Population Age 0 - 14 Age 15 - 64 Age 65 - Mexico · Average age: 26.7 · Male: 25,6 · Female: 27,7 · Ppoulation growth rate: 1,1180% · Average life expectancy: 76.26 · Urbanisation: 77%
Canada - Population Population Rank Age 0-14 Age 15-64 Age 65- Average age, total Male Female Growth rate Urbanization Avg. Life exp. CANADA 33.759.742,00 36 15,90% 68.60% 15,50% 40,7 39,6 41,8 0.8040% 80.00% 81.29
USA - Population Population Rank Age 0-14 Age 15-64 Age 65- Average age, total Male Female Growth rate Urbanization Avg. Life exp. USA 310.232.863,0 3 20,10% 66.90% 13,00% 36,8 35,5 38,1 0.9700% 82.00% 78.24
Mexico - Population Population Rank Age 0-14 Age 15-64 Age 65- Average age, total Male Female Growth rate Urbanization Avg. Life exp. MEXICO 112.468.855,0 11 28,70% 64,90% 6,40% 26,7 25,6 27,7 1.1180% 77.00% 76.26
North America - Population Rank Age 0-14 Age 15-64 Age 65- Average age, total Male Female Growth rate Urbanization Avg. Life exp. CANADA 33.759.742,00 36 15,90% 68.60% 15,50% 40,7 39,6 41,8 0.8040% 80.00% 81.29 USA 310.232.863,0 3 20,10% 66.90% 13,00% 36,8 35,5 38,1 0.9700% 82.00% 78.24 MEXICO 112.468.855,0 11 28,70% 64,90% 6,40% 26,7 25,6 27,7 1.1180% 77.00% 76.26
North America - Population & Economy Canada Rank: 95 USA Rank: 108 Mexico Rank: 51 Unemployment, population %
North America - Population & Economy Canada USA Mexico Population below poverty line %
CANADA - Economy GDP (PPP) Billions Rank GDP Growth % GDP per Capita MEXICO USA CANADA GDP (PPP) Billions Rank GDP Growth % GDP per Capita CANADA 1285 15 -2.50% 38400
USA - Economy GDP (PPP) Billions Rank GDP Growth % GDP per Capita USA MEXICO USA CANADA GDP (PPP) Billions Rank GDP Growth % GDP per Capita USA 14260 2 -2.40% 46400
North America - Economy MEXICO USA CANADA GDP (PPP) Billions Rank GDP Growth % GDP per Capita MEXICO 1482 12 -6.50% 13500
North America - Economy MEXICO USA CANADA GDP (PPP) Billions Rank GDP Growth % GDP per Capita CANADA 1285 15 -2.50% 38400 USA 14260 2 -2.40% 46400 MEXICO 1482 12 -6.50% 13500
North America - Inflation Canada - Dept % of BNP Rank:20 MEXICO Inflation: 3.60% Rank: 111 USA Inflation: -0.70% Rank: 13 CANADA Inflation: 0.20% Rank: 25 USA - Dept % of BNP Rank: 42 Mexico - Debt % of BNP Rank: 70 Dept % of BNP
North America - Capitals Canada Rank:72 USA Rank: 143 Mexico Rank: 78 Investment % of GDP This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.
North America - Balance of Payments -36320 186 Balance of Payments, millions -380100 Rank 190 -10120 176
USA - Language This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.
Canada - Language This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.
Mexico - Language This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.
Canada – Internet 7.193 25.086 14 13 Hosts, millions Rank Users, millions 7.193 Rank 25.086 14 ·Extension .ca 13
USA – Internet 383 1 231 2 Hosts, millions Rank Users, millions Rank ·Extension .us
Mexico – Internet 12.716 8 23.26 16 Hosts, millions Rank Users, millions Rank ·Extension .mx 12.716 8 23.26 16
North America Figures – Non Data driven 72.3% 21.2% Debt % of BNP Investment % of GDP 52.9% 12.5% 37.7% 20.8%
North America - Population Rank Age 0-14 Age 15-64 Age 65- Average age, total Male Female Growth rate Urbanization Avg. Life exp. CANADA 33.759.742,00 36 15,90% 68.60% 15,50% 40,7 39,6 41,8 0.8040% 80.00% 81.29 USA 310.232.863,0 3 20,10% 66.90% 13,00% 36,8 35,5 38,1 0.9700% 82.00% 78.24 MEXICO 112.468.855,0 11 28,70% 64,90% 6,40% 26,7 25,6 27,7 1.1180% 77.00% 76.26
North America - Economy CANADA USA MEXICO GDP (PPP), billions 1285 14260 1482 Rank 15 2 12 GDP Growth % -2.50% -2.40% -6.50% GDP per capita 38400 46400 13500 Unemployment % 8.50% 9.30% 5.60% 95 108 51 % under poverty line 10.80% 12.00% 18.20% Investment % of GDP 21.20% 12.50% 20.80% 72 143 78 Debt % of BNP 72.30% 52.90% 37.70% 20 42 70 Inflation % 0.20% -0.70% 3.60% 25 13 111 Balance of payments, millions -36320 -380100 -10120 186 190 176
North America - Internet MEXICO USA CANADA INTERNET CANADA USA MEXICO Hosts, millions 7,193 383 12,716 Rank 14 1 8 Users, millions 25,086 231 23,26 13 2 16 Extension .ca .us .mx
North America