Christopher J. Lemons, Ph.D. The National Center for Leadership in Intensive Intervention (NCLII) Christopher J. Lemons, Ph.D.
Purpose Train a cadre of 28 doctoral students to be experts in: Training educators how to implement intensive intervention; Conducting rigorous research on intensive intervention. Stimulate cross-institutional research collaboration. Provide publicly available resources on intensive intervention via website.
Overview Partners include: OSEP, Vanderbilt, Southern Methodist, U of Connecticut, U of Illinois Chicago, U of Minnesota, U of Texas at Austin, Virginia Commonwealth
Progress First cohort of scholars completed Year 1. Six modules of core curriculum were developed. Scholars are completing end-of-year products which will be available on the project website. Second cohort of scholars have been admitted and will begin this fall. First cohort will begin second year of curriculum. Two in-person meetings have been held. Next meeting will take place at SMU in the fall. Initial cross-institutional research collaborations have begun.
Home Page for the NCLII Core Curriculum
Scholar Evaluation
Next Steps Increase cross-institutional research collaborations. Scholars will begin internships to extend knowledge of intensive intervention. Scholars will begin conducting supervised research on intensive intervention. Scholars and faculty will generate additional products for the website.
Future Research Effective methods to combine academic and behavioral interventions. Determining efficient and effective ways to support practitioners in implementing intensive intervention. Developing a deeper ‘science of intensification’ to ensure that special education remains ‘special’. Aim is to ensure that special educators are able to meet the needs of students with disabilities who have the most severe and persistent needs by providing these students with the most intensive, individualized instruction available in the school.