Marketing (English Class) 2014 Spring Professor Bohyeon Kang, Ph. D.
How to contact “professor”? You should make an appointment with me in advance by telephone or e-mail. Office: faculty room 508 Telephone: 950-7419 E-mail:
Brief Introduction… This is English class of Marketing and your final grade will be based on the absolute evaluation. There will be no exception, negotiation, and consideration for your final grade. You will learn Ch. 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 of the textbook during this semester. The goal of every marketer is to create more value for customers. This class has a goal to teach you the various concepts and theories related to marketing. You will also learn the various real cases. In the long run, you will be able to apply your acquired knowledge to the real world.
What is the Textbook? Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong (2012), Principles of Marketing, 14e, Pearson.
How to learn? PPT Lectures Question & Answer (Discussion) Team Project Presentation and Discussion Mid-term & Final Exams
How to grade? Your grade will be decided on the absolute evaluation. Mid-term Exam: 40%, Final Exam: 40%, Team Project: 10%, and Attendance: 10%
How to grade? Mid-term & final exams are essay types and open-book tests. I will assign all students into several teams for your team project implementation. Each team should investigate a company which you prefer, related to marketing contents, present your results including Q&A in the class, and submit the final report in the forms of MS Powerpoint slides and MS Word with the limit of A4 20 pages, respectively. The final report should include four parts (status quo, analysis, implication, and references). Your attendance score will be decided on the base of being late: -1, and being absent: -2 each time.
Please remember!!! All information related to this class will be noticed on the homepage of Professor Kang ( You should visit the homepage and check all notices as often as possible. Any disadvantage caused by the ignorance of this obligation will be attributed to yourself. You should read the textbook in advance and understand basic contents. You should actively participate in the class discussion. You should have good manners not to offend or disturb the class climate.
Thank you!!!