Introduction to Chinese Culture Mark Du (Ass.Prof) School of Inter'l Trade Jiangxi University of Finance & Trade Mobile:13870087708 ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Self Introduction English Dep. Of JXNU Post-graduate Diploma at SISU Visiting Scholar at Waikato Uni New Zealand Visiting Student at HEC, Paris, France MBA, JUFE-NYIY Visiting Prof. at Kajaani Polytech, Finland ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE CONTENTS Overview Objectives Outline Evaluation Teaching Methods Class Policies ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Overview Scope and duration 2 credits, duration 16 weeks; Classes will be held on Thursday Morning from 10:20 to 12:00 Course Focus on the Chinese Philosophy and its application in the management of the country. ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Objectives To understand different aspects of Chinese cultures To learn how to do business with Chinese people To learn about culture issues and the application in the society. ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Outline Introduction Beliefs and Philosophy Politics and Economy Education and Medication Life and Customs Arts and Sports Language and literature Festivals and Folklore Scenic Spots and Historic Sites China and the World ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Evaluation The evaluation is based on each student’s performance in the following components: Final Exam 50% Term Paper 30% Assignments 20% ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Teaching Methods Lectures Case Studies Class Discussion E-learning ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Class Policies Attend all the lectures Preview the reading materials before the lecture Participate in the discussion and case studies Find related information via Internet ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE QUESTIONS ? ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Chapter 1: The Nature of Intercultural Communication Introduction What is Culture? What is Communication? What is Intercultural Communication? ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Introduction (Case study) Cultural communication between Chinese students and American students by CCTV Hope Project for the Poor in an African Country Chinese Students Theme is “Silk Road” A Banner for “Money Collection” American Students Medical care program Education Program Aid for the Poor Truth Power Wealth Wisdom A. B. C. D. 从中央电台2006年初举办的中美大学生文化交流的两道题目来看中美文化差异: 1、节目主持人给出八个选择项目:中国学生大多数选择“权利和财富”;而美国学生大多数学生选择“智慧和真理” 2、一个援助非洲某个部落贫穷地区:中国学生设计以“丝绸之路”为主题,在非洲宣传中国,并为非洲落后地区募捐;而美国学生提出具体的援助计划:例如,支教活动;医疗援助等具体可操作性的计划。 最后,节目主持人解释说,是由于中美文化差异所造成的。我们要问为什么会造成这种差异呢?如何解释?如何理解? ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE What is Culture? Definition of Culture Edward B. Tylor’s Definition Philip Kotler’s Definition Chaney’s Definition Dimensions of Culture ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Edward B. Tylor’s Definition The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871. Tylor said that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Philip Kotler’s Definition In his international marketing, Philip Kotler mentioned that culture is the system of material artifact and abstract. Example Great Wall Pyramid ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Chaney’s Definition Culture is defined as a system of values and beliefs which we share with others, all of which gives us a sense of belonging or identity. It can be discussed in terms of ways in which people pertaining to a group, society or organization behave, communicate, think and perceive reality. Each culture exhibits differing value and belief systems, which effect how people perceive reality and react to it. Example: Chinese New Year ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Dimensions of Culture Languages (codes/modes) Verbal Nonverbal Physical Psychological Environment Human Behavior Content Processes Natural Man Made Knowledge Belief Encoding Systems Decoding Thought ©Copyright Intercultural Business Communication, 3rd ed., Chaney & Martin Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE What is Communication? Definition of Communication Types of Communication ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Definition of Communication Communication, in essence, is the shift of a particle from one part of space to another part of space. A particle is the thing being communicated. It can be an object, a written message, a spoken word or an idea. In its crudest definition, this is communication. ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Types of Communication ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
What is Intercultural Communication? International communication communication between governments or among nations Intracultural communication communication between members of the same culture Intercultural communication interpersonal communication between members of different cultures ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE
Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE Intercultural business communication communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture ©Copyright Mark Du, School of Inter’l Trade of JUFE