Specialisation of cells Put in the correct order… Organ, tissue, organ system, cell, atom, electron, organism, habitat Plant Animal Life Processes M R S G E N Cells Specialisation of cells Red blood cell Sperm cell Ovum Root hair cell Cilliated Epithelial cell Organelle Functions Organ Functions Heart Small Intestine Lungs Leaf Cell M N Cy R M C Cell W V Life Processes Petal Roots
Energy Resources definitions Energy Transfers Conservation of Energy Law Renewable energy Non – renewable energy How is the sun the original source of energy for the food we eat? How is the sun the original source of wave energy? Fossil fuel formation Advantages and disadvantages of different energy types How is oil formed? How is coal formed? Energy type Description Advantages Disadvantages Petal Roots
Characteristic Features Variation, classification and inheritance Environmental variation: e.g. Inherited variation: e.g Continuous variation: Discontinuous variation: Vertebrate Characteristic Features Reptile Bird Fish Mammal Amphibian Variation, classification and inheritance
Adaptation, Competition and Feeding Relationships Sustainable development How can toxic materials build up in a food chain? Population size Effected by predation and competition for resources Resources = Definition: Case study of how a habitat can be managed and protected: Adaptation, Competition and Feeding Relationships Habitat definition: Food chain in this habitat: Example of a plant’s habitat and adaptations: Adapted to different times of day: Adapted to different seasons: Example of an animal habitat How to measure physical factors in a habitat What is a quadrat? Used to ……. Light Temp Wind Humidity