Santiago Roca-Fàbrega The Department of Theoretical Physics presents: Santiago Roca-Fàbrega (Universidad de Barcelona) talking about Milky Way like Galaxy simulations in the GAIA era: disks' large scale structures and the baryonic content In this talk I will present a new set of Milky Way like models obtained using hydrodynamical simulations of cosmic structure formation: the GARROTXA simulation series follows the formation of a late type galaxy from z=60 with a final mass of 7.4x1011 M⦿. The system has no major mergers since z=3 and at z=0 becomes a disk late-type spiral galaxy. As a first scientific exploitation of the model we study the total amount of hot X-ray luminous gas and its distribution inside dark matter halos. Our results suggest that its distribution is highly anisotropic and that its total mass can account for a non-negligible portion of missing baryons. In the second part of the talk I will show two new tools to constrain the nature of large scale structures in galaxies we have developed as part of my PhD thesis: the vertex deviation and the spiral arms rotation frequency. We have obtained such tools by generating and analysing test particle and collisionless N-body simulations of isolated disk galaxies using different codes and initial conditions. Wednesday, Jan 28, 2015 @ 15:00h, Sala 201 in Modulo C-15 CERN is at the heart of a worldwide LHC computing grid that brings together over 200 computer