The Odyssey Part I Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, 1/6 1/22/2017 1. ASSUAGE – V To calm; to pacify Sentence: The mother assuaged the crying child with a pacifier. 2. BEREFT - ADJ Deprived; parted from Sentence: Tiresias tells Odysseus that he will be bereft of all his companions prior to returning home.
3. ARDOR - N 4. INSIDIOUS - ADJ Passion; enthusiasm Sentence: When she noticed his ardor for her, she decided to give him a chance and went out with him on a date. 4. INSIDIOUS - ADJ Intended to entrap or betray Sentence: Such an insidious plan will require a lot of lying and betrayal.
5. LIBATIONS - N Wine or other liquids poured on the ground as a sacrifice to a god Sentence: Offering libations to the gods never seems to help Odysseus.
6. IMPLACABLE - ADJ Incapable of being placated or pacified; not able to calm down Sentence: Poseidon has an implacable hatred for Odysseus, especially after Odysseus blinded his son.
7. KINE - N 8. TRAVAIL - N cattle Very hard work Sentence: Tiresias warns Odysseus to avoid the kine of Helios. 8. TRAVAIL - N Very hard work Sentence: After many months of travail, the building was finally complete.
9. RESTITUTION - N The act of giving back or repaying something that has been lost or stolen Sentence: When his property was stolen, he demanded restitution from the thief when he was caught.
10. MAELSTROM - N 11. CONTRIVE - V Large, violent whirlpool Sentence: A large maelstrom sucks in all of the ships that get too close. 11. CONTRIVE - V To think up; to devise; to plan Sentence: Contrive a plan to get us out of this mess.
12. RANCOR - N Bitter, deep-seated ill will; hatred; malice Sentence: She glared at her enemy with rancor.
13. GALE - N 14. INSOLENT - ADJ A very strong wind Sentence: The hurricane brought strong gales that ripped the roofs off many buildings. 14. INSOLENT - ADJ Boldly rude or disrespectful; insulting Sentence: Odysseus will arrive home to find insolent men eating his food and living in his house.
15. FOUNDER - V To fall, sink, or collapse Sentence: The ship foundered after a rock tore a hole in its bottom.