The Role play in the Sexual Response Cycle Human Sexuality 2013 Mrs. Caselli
The sexual response cycle is, essentially, a clinical version of how a human body responds during sex.
Phase 1: Sexual Desire Phase aka: libido Physical or psychological stimulation occurs how? you ask Certain chemicals in the body (primarily testosterone — the male sex hormone, which is also present in females) trigger these inner sexual feelings. Sexual excitement builds upon these feelings.
Phase 2: Excitement Phase Genitals experience vasocongestion, which is a swelling caused by an increase in blood filling the tissues. This phase is usually generated by one or a combination of several physical, visual, or psychological stimuli, which can be caused either by oneself or a partner. Foreplay usually gets these responses started.
Reactions to Vasocongestion Heart rate Breathing rate Blood Pressure Breast size Nipples Erection Occurs Arm and leg muscles may start to tense up Swelling of the Clitoris & Vaginal lips
Phase 3: Plateau Phase Excitement Phase reaches a slightly higher level, with tensions building Pre-ejaculation Testes enlarge and are pulled closer to the body
Phase 4: Orgasm Phase Both men and women, your body goes through a whole series of muscular contractions and spasms, including facial contortions, an increased respiratory rate and heartbeat, and a further increase in blood pressure. Your genitals also experience strong contractions. The man undergoes the further contraction of ejaculation.
Phase 5: Resolution Phase The body slowly returns to normal Much longer for women than for men