The Biblical Concept of Stewardship By Mario Niño, DMin. INSTITUTE FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES 2015-2020
Historical Context The interest in finding the original meaning of stewardship leads us to explore the Scriptures in both, the Old and the New Testament. Most of the books of the Old Testament (OT) were written in ancient Hebrew. When Greece became a global empire, imposed its language on the conquered peoples. This is the reason why in the New Testament (NT) the languages used by Israel were aramaic and Greek koiné.
Historical Context Given the importance of the Greek, the Old Testament (OT) Scripture were translated into this language, and was calling the Septuagint (LXX). This version was the first translation of the Mosaic Law and the Prophets from Hebrew to the Greek. When Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures…” John 5:39, He was pointing to the books of the OT, the Septuagint, the Hebrew Bible in Greek.
Concept Since the OT was written mostly in ancient Hebrew, and NT in Greek koiné, it is necessary to clarify the concept as it appears in these languages. The words oikonomos and oikonomía come from the common Greek. The oikonomos, is a noun, and identifies the subject in a gramatical sentence. The oikonomía, describes the role and the responsibility assigned some to direct, manage or be in charge of the house of his master.
Origen of Stewardship The oikonomía (stewardship) did no begin, nor was defined in the NT books. We have to search on the OT books, to know where and when stewardship begins. The book of Genesis records that on the sixth day of creation, God said, “Let us make man in our image and have dominion radah…Gen. 1:26. The word radah means dominate, rule, govern, managment.
The Old Testament Definition In the Old Testament (OT), the concept of stewardship appears when God said: "Let us make man in our image ... and let them have dominion (Gen. 1:26) The word dominion radah describes allocation of responsibility defined by God to Adam and Eve. Dominion is to take care of, to direct, to manage.
Responsibility for… 1. The World (including flora and fauna). 2. The human Life with all dimensions. 3. The Family (the human family and society). 4. The Resources (including finances). 5. The Time (s) (including the Sabbath).
Origen of Stewardship Stewardship is not an optional responsibility. It was a main responsibility assigned before the creation of humans beings. It was defined by God before the human beings were created, before the fall sin, and before the formation or religious organization.
Give an Account of your Stewardship During his earthly ministry, Jesus clarified concepts related to the laws given to Israel. The parable of the unjust steward Lk. 16:1,2 emphasizes that God will demand an account to man’s responsibility assigned from the beginning of the world. He will require every human being to give an account of their management or administration of the world, life, family, resources, and the times.
Therefore, we are Stewards of… 1. The World created by God. 2.The God-given Life. 3.The Family ordered by God. 4. The Resources provided by God 5. Times defined by God.
Lost Privileges 1. With the entrance of sin, the privileges were affected . 2.The World, the Life, the Family. 3.The Resources, and Times defined by God. 4. Sin was the great problem in the Kingdom of God, but 5. God had a solution.
The Privileges will be recovered Abel’s offering, heb. minchah was also a burnt offering. This offering, heb. olah עלה, should be offered first, because God marked the solution to the sin problem. The holocaust announced that one day, the pain and suffering caused by sin will come to an end, and the original conditions would be restored. It was the good news for humanity. It was the eternal gospel ευαγγέλιο.
The Requirement The privileges granted to Adam and Eve, would be preserved indefinitely as long as they stayed in right relationship with God. This submission to God would be voluntary, respectful, and sacred. The Bible describes this relationship as an alliance or covenant heb. berith ברית. The expression "I will be your God, and ye shall be my people" (Jer. 7:23;. 31:33, Genesis 17:7, Rev 21:7) refers to this covenant alliance.
God as the only Lord. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart” (Deut. 6:4-6). “And I heard a loud voice from heaving saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men… and God Himself will be with them and be their God” (Rev. 21:3).
The Biblical Concept of Stewardship By Mario Niño, DMin. INSTITUTE FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES 2015-2020