Availability of Statistics on International Migration Haoyi Chen United Nations Statistics Division
The need for better statistics on international migration A need for practical, evidence-based measures to enhance the benefits of migration and minimize its negative effects. Summary of the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development
Objective Use data collected for the Demographic Yearbook to illustrate how basic data needs can potentially be met. Recommendations
Demographic Yearbook data collection on international migration statistics Statistics on international migrant stock (Population Census Questionnaire): Total size Country of birth/citizenship Age Sex Duration in the country Occupation Statistics on international migrant flows (Questionnaire on International Migration and Travel Statistics) Total size of inflows and outflows Different types of inflows and outflows Source of data
Data and Limitations (1) Migrant Stock Country replies for the 2000 round censuses are analyzed Data are not yet available for some censuses conducted in 2003 or 2004 Data might be available in countries but not to the United Nations Not all countries collect information on international migration in census
Data and Limitations (2) Migrant flows Latest replies to the table “Major Categories of International Departures and Arrivals” (Table 1) are analyzed 89 countries on arrivals 80 countries on departures
Gaps and deficiencies in statistics on migrant stock
Countries having data on migrant stock
Migrant stock by age and sex or country of birth or citizenship
Migrant stock by duration or occupation
Gaps and deficiencies in flow statistics
Flow statistics, availability by major categories Migrants Tourists Education Business Refugees Long-term Short-term Arrivals (89) Data 56 21 54 15 26 % 63 24 61 17 29 Departures (80) 51 36 6 13 7 64 45 8 16 9
Flow statistics: source Many either did not specify source of data: 49 countries (out of 89) no source information on arrivals 50 countries (out of 80) no source information on departures Or with limited information on sources “Other” National Statistics Office Ministry of Interior
Flow statistics: scope Unfortunately most countries do not provide any information on what the available statistics refer to Only a few countries provide detailed definition on the categories Many countries indicate only in general terms what was covered or not covered Most of the countries do not provide any information
Gaps and Deficiencies from reviewing the existing information? Statistics on international migrant stock Limited availability on total size Scarce information on duration and occupation of migrants Statistics on international migrant flows Available only on some categories of flows No information on sources for much of the available statistics Meaning and scope of the statistics are not clear
What can be done? Improve the availability of statistics on international migrant stock collected from population censuses Encourage countries to provide more meta-data information on flow statistics, such as sources and scope Strengthen capacity in the national statistical system, especially on better coordination between national statistical office and other ministries
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