Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) By: Brelee Vick
What is it? Myocardial infarction is the irreversible death of heart muscle secondary to prolonged lack of oxygen supply.
Causes Bad cholesterol is one of the leading causes of a blockage in the arteries. Not all cholesterol is bad, but low-density lipoprotein (LDC) cholesterol can stick to the walls of your arteries and produce plaque. Saturated fats may also contribute to the buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries. This type of fat may increase the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood system and reduce the amount of good cholesterol. Trans fat can also lead to a heart attack. It is usually artificially produced and can be found in a variety of processed foods.
Signs and Symptoms Signs and Symptoms may include: pressure or tightness in the chest shortness of breath sweating vomiting anxiety dizziness a fast heart rate
Treatment The type of heart attack you experience determines the treatments you will have. Hospitals use techniques to restore blood flow to part of the heart muscle damaged during a heart attack. Blood thinners break up blood clots, antiplatelet drugs prevent new clots from forming, and beta-blockers relax your heart muscle. Some Require Surgery such as: Angioplasty- used to unblock the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Your surgeon will insert a long, thin tube called a catheter through your artery to reach the blockage. They will then inflate a small balloon attached to the catheter in order to reopen the artery, allowing blood flow to resume. Coronary bypass graft- your surgeon will reroute your veins and arteries so the blood can flow around the blockage.
Who is at risk? People with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels Obese people People who smoke Men are higher at risk to have a heart attack at 45 and women are more at risk at the age of 55. People that do not exercise much are also at risk.
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