Fast Twitch Fibers What are they? Fast twitch muscle fibers are fibers that don’t use oxygen to make energy, and they don’t need a great deal of blood supply, as oppose to slow muscle fibers Fast muscle fibers are ligther in colour (white) They can produce small amounts of energy very quick White meat, like the chicken wings and breasts, are made up of fast twitch muscle fibers, they use their wings for brief bursts of flight and this requires a lot of energy, resulting tiredness of the muscle involved very quickly. The muscles that moves our eyes are made up of fast twitch muscle fibers.
Contract quickly but they rapidly get tired. Fast twitch fibers are useful (and quite active) during sprinting, jumping and other explosive body movements. See table of Slow and Fast Twist to see how these muscle fibers differs from each other. Note: Whenever we engage in physical activity our muscles, need the right mixture of amino acids, carbs and protein for a good recovery.
Slow-Twitch v Fast-Twist
Usain Bolt v Cheetah Usain Bolt - 9.80 Cheetah – 70mph
The Sprinter v The Marathon runner
Fast-Twitch Fibers Are Type II Fibers
Fast- Twitch fibers are also know as Type II and they can be broken into Type IIa, Type IIb fibers Fast-twitch are best using anaerobic metabolic measure to create energy, as they fire quicker short burst of strength or speed, however, they get tired very quickly as well. Having more fast fibers is a great asset to sprinters since they need to generate a lot of force quicker. Fast-Twitch are responsible for allowing us to do quick plyometrics moves such sprints Type IIa fibers are intermediate fast-twitch because the fibers have the capacity to perform both aerobic and anaerobic movements to generate force, known as fast and slow twitch. They are a combinationof Type I and Type II muscle fibers Type IIb fibers are fast and it uses anaerobic metabolism to create energy, as they are the ones that produces quick, and powerful bursts of speed. Fast & Slow Twitch Fibers