CLDMS Conference October 2012 CLD Strategic Guidance Pete Hamilton HMI Education Scotland 1 1
What I will cover Role of Education Scotland Policy background for CLD Strategic Guidance Outline plans for implementation framework Some issue for discussion
Corporate Management Group
our strategic objectives are to: lead and support the successful implementation of the curriculum build the capacity of education providers and practitioners to improve their own performance promote high quality professional learning and leadership stimulate creativity and innovation provide independent feedback on the quality of educational provision provide evidence-based advice to inform national policy develop our people and improve our organisational capability
CLD Strategic Guidance: Policy Context Public Service Reform Christie Commission Review of community planning and single outcome agreements Community empowerment and renewal Post-16 learning Curriculum for Excellence GIRFEC Early years, early intervention Tackling health inequalities.
“The focus of public spending and action must build on the assets and potential of the individual, the family and the community…Public services must work harder to involve people in the redesign and reshaping of their activities” Renewing Scotland’s Public Services Priorities for reform in response to the Christie Commission Scottish Government – September 2011
4 pillars of public service reform A decisive shift towards prevention Greater integration of public services at a local level driven by better partnership, collaboration and effective service delivery Greater investment in the people who deliver services through enhanced workforce development and effective leadership A sharp focus on improving performance, through greater transparency, innovation and use of digital technology.
CLD Specific Focus Improved life chances for people of all ages, through learning , personal development and active citizenship. Stronger more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities.
Role of Community Planning Partnerships CPPs should ensure CLD has a core role in delivering outcomes…. Delivering expectations requires planning, coordination, effective (better) partnerships across services and sectors and more outcome focus. High expectations for buy-in across education, culture & sport, voluntary sector, health, local communities:
10 minute discussion point 1. 1) What challenges are CLD managers facing in their own authorities and CPPs in attempting to secure better buy-in, improved coordination and more effective partnership approaches?
Higher expectations for CLD Needs analysis and assessment Partnership working including stronger partnership with communities 16 Plus learning choices and employability Curriculum for Excellence (BGE and SP) Early Intervention Workforce development Self-evaluation- in partnership
Higher expectations “Each local authority should have a clearly defined framework for planning and delivering CLD, through partnership as a key element of its reformed public services”. CLD Strategic Guidance (p5) The Scottish Government
10 minute discussion point 2 What does the sector need to do differently meet new expectations? What change is required? 3 things to stop doing. 3 things to start doing.
Education Scotland Very different role from former bodies: Includes: Policy implementation, practice development, support and challenge, evaluation and scrutiny Strong emphasis on partnership working
Education Scotland Much stronger integration between development support and analysis of scrutiny More coherence across national stakeholders Stronger support to develop, share and disseminate innovative practice Regular reporting on progress to ministers Better highlighting of CLD practice and its impact Stronger emphasis on partnership working and co-production
Education Scotland Wider aspects: Curriculum for Excellence Working with other scrutiny and improvement bodies Piloting new approaches to learning community inspections -CLD Implementation Group – overview -CLD Programme Board Stakeholders group