WELCOME!! AP Mrs. Okladek
Experience~ M.Ed~ Biology for Secondary Education Working on 2nd Masters (M.A. in Educational Leadership & Principal Certification) Supervisory Certificate B.S.~ Biology, Marine Science 17+ years teaching Biology at secondary level 4+ years teaching Zoology for Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth program 2 APSI + 2 AP conferences
AP Preparation:
Prerequisite Teacher recommendation: AP Biology is designed for juniors and seniors who have met the pre-requisite requirements of earning an 80% or higher in Honors Biology & Honor Chemistry course OR 90% or higher in previous CP Biology & CP Chemistry courses.
Course Description According to College Board, “AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes —energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions.”
This Class: Will be taught at the college level and will be fast-paced, rigorous and challenging. This is a good thing Will require a lot of independent study, effort and practice. High school College
Keep in mind: This course is equivalent to: 2 semesters of college biology This translates into 3 hrs. of lecture X 15 weeks= 45 lecture hours per semester + 3 hrs. of lab per week X 15 weeks= 45 lab hours per semester. This is 90 hours of bio per semester, thus 180 hours of college level biology! We have to accomplish all of this in just 93 school days!!!
The “perks”: Dual-enrollment- 3 community college credits to transfer into a 4 year college Extra 1.0 added to GPA (PLUS, an extra 1.2 if earning a 97% or higher ) High school College
GREAT NEWS!! The national average of those who passed the 2017 AP Biology Exam last May was 63.8%. At WHRHS, our passing rate was 94.4%. Way to Go, Blue Streaks!!!
GREAT NEWS!! This means:
AP BIO EXAM Soooo… 94% (17 out of 18 students passed).. This means each student saved 17 students X $8,940= $151,980 class total saved $894 X 10= $8,940
Help Needed?? A partnership You can help your son/daughter to be successful in AP Biology by: Encouraging good study habits & organizational skills Encouraging him/her to come to me with questions, problems, or concerns. Bozeman Videos, Crash Course, Khan Academy $$ Barron’s/The Princeton Review/Kaplan prep books $$
Help Needed?? A partnership I will be available: during non-lab lunch periods before/after school, with prior notice Biology tutors will be available in the library every Tuesday and Thursday, afterschool, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Peer study groups
Course Syllabus, Ethics Pledge, and Parent Letter … THANK YOU for signing off that you have read and understand the course policies, expectations, and procedures! hard copy online my webpage
Go to www.warrenhills.org Faculty check me out (Okladek,Jill) Link to Genesis… grades, when was work turned in late, etc. Contact information Grading policy and late policy AP links Extra help availability Parent letter Syllabus Lab and class schedule Bozeman videos Equations/Formula sheets Textbook link
okladekj@warrenhills.org Call school Contact Information okladekj@warrenhills.org Call school 908-689-3050 Ext: 3534
Questions or Concerns?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?