Sextant PRODUCTs catalogue 4-5 April 2017 Erwann Quimbert, Morgan Le Moigne, Julie Gatti, Mickael Treguer, Thomas Loubrieu
Outline A products catalogue – current status Extension to new products New granularity ? DOIs Sextant v6
Sextant catalogue - current status A products catalogue to coordinate and to promote the project data outcomes : 152 products in the catalogue for eutrophication INSPIRE compliant and supports OGC WMS and WFS services Granularity : a description by region, by parameter, by season E.g. : in Atlantic, 6 parameters and 4 seasons for each = 24 descriptions Includes citation to the data originators Thematic and Spatio-temporal criteria for products selection
Sextant catalogue - current status A workflow management to publish Eutrophication maps descriptions: XML generated by divadoXML (ULG) by Regional Leaders XML imported, updated and submitted via the Sextant interface by Regional Leaders Product descriptions validated by the catalogue manager (OGS) -> public visualisation To do : Upgrade the workflow, dashboards,…to allow more actions ? Do you still need the same workflow with a catalogue manager (OGS) as implemented during the previous phase?
Sextant catalogue - new products WP3.1 – Description of aggregated/Qced collections -> to improve their visibility through the Discovery Service -> could give access only to restricted person (MSFD stakeholders) WP3.2 - Description of contaminant maps -> which maps? Which granularity? -> How these new products descriptions can be generated? WP3.3 - Description of Marine Litter products Does a training (new version of Sextant + new products outside divadoXML scope) needed to be included on 19 may Training Workshop planning for the Regional Leaders+OGS?
Sextant catalogue - granularity Which granularity? Eutrophication maps : No more by season with redundant metadata –> only by parameter by region? Same granularity as it is planned in OceanBrowser? Same granularity between all WP3 products? Interaction with the central EMODnet portal catalogue
Sextant catalogue - DOIs External DOI can be added to the product description. Sextant can also create a DOI with its Landing Page for each product from the available metadata. e.g.: - EMODnet Bathymetry - - Seadatanet (T,S) climatology -
Sextant catalogue upgrade A new release of Sextant is available (v5 -> v6) : To do : - Upgrade the EMODnet-Sextant catalogue interface - Upgrade the metadata editor