Welcome to Honors Chemistry! Ms. Miller 2017-2018
Warm up! Welcome to Chemistry! Bienvenidos a Quimica! Please find a seat. Silently work on this puzzle. 3. Once you have solved it, use the space on the back to answer the question.
Pair Share When I say “Go” you are going to Pair up with your “shoulder partner” Greet them (Say Hi, my name is…) Tell them one of your favorite things you did this summer (the person with the longest hair goes first, then switch) Share with them the answer to the warm up puzzle (the person who has the fewest siblings goes first, then switch) Tell your partner you think they did a great job!
Why? We use chemistry to solve problems!! Water from Flint, MI, Animus River in Durango after coal mine spill R and D Climate, trash “rethinking the way we make things”
Chemistry and Problem Solving Goal: Use the supplies provided to move water from the starting line into the beaker at the finish line. Please record the initial volume, final volume and volume lost on the lab sheet. Let’s review the procedures together
Expectations Please be respectful of other classes and be silent in the halls. When outside, we will need to quiet down after activities for further instruction… Look for me doing this → Then you’ll know to quiet down and wait for further instruction ☺ Let’s Practice! I use this throughout the year to quiet class.
Supplies Each group needs One ramp per person 2 plastic beakers Pencil Lab sheet Water
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4
Closure What were your findings? Please turn in your lab on the way out the door. HW: Bring GREEN 3- Ring binder with dividers for tomorrow