Part I Ransom
Working in pairs, read the summary of Part 1 and develop a dot point of overview of the main events and ideas in the chapter. Chapter overview
Achilles is a renowned warrior; what else does the start of the book reveal about him? What is the friendship between Achilles and Patroclus based on? What role do the gods/goddesses play in the lives of the characters? What are the signs of Achilles’ grief and why does it overcome him? How is Achilles’ grief seen by his Myrmidons? List some examples of time-shifts in Section 1. How does this literary device add to the story? Initial reflections
A classical hero A warrior who lives and dies in the pursuit of honor. Asserts his or her greatness by the brilliancy and efficiency with which they kill. Commonly semi-divine and extraordinarily gifted. They are often foolhardy, court disaster, risk their followers' lives for trivial matters, and behave arrogantly in a childlike manner. Didn't embody the Christian notion of an upstanding, perfectly moral hero. Fate, or destiny, plays a massive role in the stories of classical heroes. The gods in Greek Mythology, when interacting with the heroes, often foreshadow the hero's eventual death on the battlefield. heroes and gods go to great lengths to alter their pre-destined fate, but with no success, as no immortal can change their prescribed outcomes by the Three Fates. Generally a classical hero has royal blood. In what ways does Malouf represent Achilles as a classical hero? Consider the key features of a hero as depicted in the Iliad. Identify quotes from part one that reflect the characteristics listed. Are the characteristics listed a full summary of the personality of Malouf’s Achilles or are there other dimension to the character he describes? Discuss using quotes from the text to demonstrate your understanding. Could he be considered an anti-hero? Why? What role does free will and choice play in Malouf’s version of the story of Achilles? A classical hero
Heroic Achilles? ½ page minimum Discuss the representation of Achilles’ as a classical hero in David Malouf’s Ransom. Is he a true reflection of a classical hero or are there other dimensions to his character? ½ page minimum Heroic Achilles?
“he felt himself caught up and tenderly enfolded as her low voice whispered on his skin” “The sea has many voices, the voice that this man is listening for is the voice of his mother” “He is a child of earth. But for the whole of his life he has been drawn, in his other nature, to his mother’s element.” “The sea surface bellies and glistens, a lustrous silver-blue – a membrane stretched to fine transparency where once, for nine changes of the moon, he had curled in a dream of pre-existence and was rocked and comforted” “From now on she would be no more than a faint far-off echo to his senses, an underwater humming” Describe what each of the quotes above suggest about Achilles’ mother, Thetis and his relationship with her.
What are Achilles feelings about his mother? Why does he feel this way? Thetis plays a significant role in supporting Achilles in The Iliad however she does not appear in Malouf’s retelling. How does alter our attitude towards and understanding of Achilles? Discuss how Achilles grief concerning his mother impacts his later actions. Who is Achilles’ father? How is he described in the text? How does it differ to his representation in the original story? What is the significance of this? Describe Achilles’ relationship with/opinion of his father? What is the significance of his father being farmer? What images/ideas does this ‘earthly’ profession convey in regards to his personality? Motherly love
Writing task ½ page minimum Describe Achilles' relationship with his mother. What are his thoughts about his mother? This chapter explores the opposing sides of Achilles character - his mortal father (earth) and his immortal mother (water) - how are both these elements seen in his personality? (Earth - grounded, resilient, Water - changing, volatile). In your response, refer to Achilles' roles as a father and a warrior. Writing task ½ page minimum
Describe Achilles' grief in this chapter. Why is he grieving? How is language used to give the reader a sense of his grief? What language is used to describe the way Achilles seeks revenge? Does Achilles’ blame himself in anyway for Patroculus’ death? Are we encourage to pity, empathise with or feel anger towards Achilles and his actions? Does the narrative prompt conflicting feelings within the reader? Discuss using evidence from the text. Achilles claims war is necessary for men to express themselves with violence before returning, ‘refreshed in spirit, to being a good farmer again’ (p.7). He is therefore lost and troubled when vengeance does not assuage his grief Consider the statement above. How does it represent the representation of Achilles in Malouf’s novel? Grief and loss