Switchover of Moist Pellet to Extruded Pellet , the First Step UNDP/GEF Project:“ Towards Sustainability in Yellow Sea Mariculture”, June 16-17, 2009. Jeju, Korea Switchover of Moist Pellet to Extruded Pellet , the First Step for Sustainable Development of Flounder Culture in Jeju Island, Korea Jeong-Dae Kim Animal Life System College of Animal Life Sciences Kangwon National University Chuncheon 200-701, Korea 2009-06-09
Contents 1 2 3 4 Conclusion Marine fish farming in Korea Flounder production in Jeju Island 2 Strategy and challenges forward 3 Conclusion 4 2009-06-09
Fishery and Aquaculture in Korea Production 1,000 MT Next, I will tell you the Fisheries and aquaculture production in Korea. Caught fisheries are unlikely to increase, and it is expected that the shortfall will be met by aquaculture production. The significance of Korean aquaculture only came to win people’s attention in the 1970s. Aquaculture production continued to increase until late the 1980s or early 1990s. Thereafter, the production fluctuated, mainly due to the advent of adverse environments and the outbreak of red tides and diseases. Again, aquaculture production has continuously increased since 2001. (KNSO, 2009) 2009-06-09 ’08 Total Fisheries Production: 3,362,662 MT 3
Mariculture Production in Korea (MT) (KNSO, 2009) ’08 Mariculture Production (1,382,257 MT): Finfish, 98,942 Shellfish, 345,022 Crustacean, 1,924 Seaweed, 921,024 Others, 15,345 2009-06-09
Types of Feed and their amounts used for marine fish farming in Korea (1996 to 2008) MT (KNSO, 2009) 2009-06-09
Types of Fish Feed Live foods Algae Zooplankton By-catch/trash fish Moist pellet Formulated Mash Floating Sinking Mixed Sinking Extruded (Floating) 2009-06-09
Seawater fish farming Flounder Production History 2007 1988 1997 1992 Total: 97,644 tons Flounder: 41,207 tons Rockfish: 35,509 tons 1997 Total: 1,290 tons Yellowtail: 1,258 tons Flounder: 16 tons Total: 39,121 tons Flounder: 26,274 tons Rockfish : 11,069 tons 1992 Total: 4,595 tons Flounder: 3,199 tons Rockfish : 666 tons Korean Fisheries Yearbook 1989,1991,1998-2008 2009-06-09
Flounder farms in Korea 631 farms- 2,415,000 m2 (Year 2008) 71 32 You are here now 232 296 2009-06-09 National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives, 2009
Jeju island Top Region for flounder production Water temperature: - Winter above 12 ℃ - Summer below 28℃ - Subterranean water 16~18℃ 2009-06-09
Flounder production in Jeju Island Year Production (MT) T. Value (1,000 won) Av. Value (won/kg) 2003 16,195 172,137,349 10,629 2004 17,915 177,693,774 9,919 2005 20,371 174,339,970 8,558 2006 21,910 223,476,329 10,200 2007 20,804 220,349,391 10,592 2008 25,027 220,062,411 8,793 (KNSO, 2009) ’08 Total Flounder Production: 46,329 MT 54% 2009-06-09
for flounder culture in Korea (2008) Feeds used for flounder culture in Jeju Island (2008) Feeds used for flounder culture in Korea (2008) Total 129,389 MT (Personal estimation) (KNSO, 2009) Total 141,502 MT (KNSO, 2009) Difference (12,113 MT of trash fish) is excluded to be used by dead fish. 2009-06-09 Flounder production in 2008: 46,329 tons
EP, Mash and Trash fish EP- Extruded Pellet Mash- compounded powder feed or fish meal Trash fish- raw fish MP (moist pellet) is made by mixing 90~100% raw fish with 0~10% mash EP 2009-06-09
Why is MP preferred ? when fish are fed the EP, Fast growth Good quality fillet when fish are fed the EP, Increase in mortality due to the ascites Poor growth - Poor quality fillet 2009-06-09
Results of on-farm experiments Location: Jeju island Feed: MP and EP Feeding period: 12 months (Dec. 19, 2007 to Nov. 3, 2008) Initial body weight: 33 g (M farm), 94 g and 120 g (S farm) No significant differences in - Growth (g) of flounder - Chemical composition of whole body and muscle Flavor, texture and overall acceptability of dorsal muscle and Productivity (profit) Much higher water pollution (1.5 to 10 folds) was found in MP groups. (Kang et al., 2009. NFRDI) 2009-06-09
Growth M farm 2009-06-09 S farm
Dorsal muscle composition (%) M farm S farm B.Wt 900 g 1000 g 1200 g Diet EP MP Moisture 75.6 76.4 75.0 75.7 74.7 75.9 Protein 22.2 21.6 24.1 23.2 23.7 21.9 Lipid 0.6 0.4 0.5 2009-06-09
Sensory evaluation* dorsal muscle Items MP EP Overall acceptability 6.7 6.4 Flavor 6.0 Color 6.2 Taste 6.6 6.1 Texture 6.3 *Point range: 1 (extremely bad or slight) to 9 (extremely good or much); dorsal Muscle kept in 4 C for 1 h was evaluated by 50 persons. 2009-06-09
Why is EP not used ? Expensive ? Still unbelievable ? Because farmers have to buy EP for cash !!! Trash fish on credit !!! 2009-06-09
SWOT Analysis Flounder farming in Jeju Island Top 1 fish Strength Weakness Top 1 fish Year-round production High mortality Unstable farm-gate price SWOT Analysis Domestic and foreign consumption potential - Lean fish - Use of natural seeds - Disease & Pollution Opportunity Threat
SWOT Analysis Flounder farming in Jeju Island Top 1 fish Strength Weakness Top 1 fish Year-round production High mortality Unstable farm-gate price SWOT Analysis Domestic and foreign consumption potential - Lean fish - Use of natural seeds - Disease & Pollution Opportunity Threat 2009-06-09 22
Nutrient loadings from EP feeding Depends on the FCR and dietary P EP1: FCR 1.5/P-1.5% EP2: FCR 1.2/P-1.2% EP3: FCR 1.0/P-1.0% 2009-06-09
Nutrient loadings from EP2 feeding in Jeju Island (2008) Feed used Flounder Production (MT) Utilization efficiency (%) Loadings Feed EP Mash T-fish Wt. MT 42,462 35,385* DM 39,914 (94%) 10,615 (30%) 26.0% 29,299 CP 21,231 (50%) 7,077 (20%) 33.0% 14,154 P 510 (1.2%) 142 (0.4%) 27.0% 368 *Marketed, unsold and locally consumed fish except dead ones were included. 2009-06-09
Sustainable flounder farming does not mean a quantitative increase in production. It means the qualitative improvement Feed: MP to EP Breeding Genetics: Fast growing flounder Disease control: Vaccine Safety: HACCP and Traceability 2009-06-09
Future visions for flounder farming industry 2010 Switchover of MP to EP feed Development of green flounder seed Production cost of 6,000 wons Fillet export HACCP & Traceability Goals 2015 Top 1 product of Jeju island through branded Differentiation 2020 2009-06-09
Flounder farming industry Conclusion 1990~2009 Quantitative Development Stage Ist step 2010~2015 Qualitative Development Stage Flounder farming industry 2nd step 3rd step 2016~ Sustainable Development Stage 2009-06-09
Switchover of MP to EP Let’s do it now ! Jeju Island Reduction of Sustainability Clean sea Jeju Island Flounder industry Future food Reduction of water pollution Protection of natural seed stocks 2009-06-09
Thank You We can’t support the growth of the aquaculture business using fish to feed fish 2009-06-09 UNDP/GEF Project:“ Towards Sustainability in Yellow Sea Mariculture”, June 16-17, 2009. Jeju, Korea