Lecture #1 CLASSIFYING ANIMALS Unit 2 Animal Science
1 Understand how agricultural animals are utilized. Student Learning Objectives. Instruction in this lesson should result in students achieving the following objectives: 1 Understand how agricultural animals are utilized. 2 Explain the terms used to identify different animals within livestock species. 3 Explain the differences between digestive systems.
OBJECTIVE 1: Understand how agricultural animals are utilized. Animals can be classified based on use breed age gender
Animals can be used to perform tasks. A. Animals can be classified based on whether they are used for work, food, clothing, technology, or recreation. Animals can be used to perform tasks. Example: Before the invention of machines, horses were used to pull plows and harvesting equipment. Example: Dogs may be used to help herd sheep and cattle, or to protect them from predators.
2. Some animals can be used to produce food for human consumption a. Dairy cows provide milk and dairy products like ice cream, butter, and yogurt. b. Beef cattle are used for meat products, such as hamburgers, roasts, and steaks. c. Swine, or hogs, give us meats like bacon, ham, sausage, pork chops, and ribs. d. Chickens and other poultry produce both meat and eggs. e. Sheep provide meat called lamb or mutton.
3. Some animals are raised to provide materials needed to make clothing. The hair on a sheep is called wool and is used to make warm clothing like sweaters, coats, socks, and gloves. Shoes, jackets, and other leather items are made from the hide of a cow.
4. Some animals can be used to make advancements in technology. a. Many common medicines are by-products of animals. Examples: Chicken eggs are used to make a flu vaccine The heart valves of pigs are being used to replace diseased heart valves of humans. b. Some animals are used to test medicines to make sure they are safe for human use.
5. Some animals are enjoyed by humans for recreation. a. Horses are widely used as a recreation animal in the United States. b. Many companion animals—dogs, cats, and other small animals play an important role in the daily lives of humans as companions.
B. Animals in the agricultural industry can be classified by breed. 1. A breed is defined by common characteristics of animals, such as color, size, maternal instinct, muscle quality, disposition, and structure. 2. Many times producers will cross two different breeds of animals in order to gain good characteristics from each breed. The offspring of this mating is called a crossbreed. ** You will learn about different types of breeds of cattle, pigs, horses, swine, sheep, ducks, geese, and chicken through the Livestock Project we’ll be starting shortly.
REVIEW 1. What are some of the factors and terms used to classify animals in the agricultural industry? 2. What terms are used to identify animals within livestock species? 3. What are the two types of digestive systems in animals?