Manifest Destiny Manifest: clear or obvious Destiny: future or fate
Manifest Destiny "(It is)...our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty." In 1845 these words were written by John O'Sullivan, a democrat leader and editor of the New York newspaper 'The Morning Post'. Discussion What do you think O’Sullivan meant by this? What will be the impact of Manifest Destiny?
School House Rock – Manifest Destiny Schoolhouse Rock: Elbow Room – Manifest Destiny
What does it mean? O'Sullivan expressed the belief that white Americans had a God-given right to occupy the entire North American continent Not a new idea, nor was it just an American idea Christopher Columbus and America Spanish monarchs who colonized South America Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock British colonizing Australia and India
Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion By the 1840s, the term “Manifest Destiny” is widely used newspapers, debates, paintings and advertisements becomes the leading arguments for westward expansion Reasons for movement East was crowded, people lured to the west Promises of inexpensive land and open spaces Discovery of gold in 1848
Jackson and Indian Removal Background Information Read the info Answer the prediction question
Indian Removal Act – Notes Passed in 1830 by Jackson Forced Indians onto reservations – land that was set aside for them Most land was located in Oklahoma Intend for Indians to become farmers/ranchers
Indian Removal Act – Notes Within 10 years, more than 70,000 Indians had been moved Trail of Tears The routes that the Five Civilized Tribes traveled to get to Oklahoma Cherokee, Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek
“The Indian Problem” – Video Write down at least four key ideas from the video
Indian Removal - Recap John Green Answer 9:38 – 10:40 e5O8&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMwmepBjTSG593eG7ObzO7s&index=14 9:38 – 10:40 Answer What did the Indian Removal Act do? How did this impact American Indians? What was the government hoping to accomplish with Indian Removal?