Leading for Impact Standard 1 Nevada Educator Performance Framework NOTE TO PRESENTERS On slide 23 “Click here for video link” takes you to ASCD for the Show & Tell/ Designing Relevant Learning article Scroll to the bottom of the article for Show & Tell: A Video Column text box with the video link You may have to give permission to use Flash Player SET UP THIS VIDEO BEFORE THE WORKSHOP SO YOU CAN ACCESS IT QUICKLY DURING THE PRESENTATION Focus: All Students 21st Century Ready
in teacher effectiveness so that every student How do we lead schools to increase quality and reduce variance in teacher effectiveness so that every student receives excellent instruction, in every class, every day? How do we lead schools to increase quality and reduce variance in teacher effectiveness so that every student receives excellent instruction, in every class, every day Class Structure -alternating presenters -2 hour class + 1 hour homework -1 standard per week w/ readings, videos, handouts, website for additional resources -see flyer for both sets of dates Snack Sign up (we do snacks first day) Introductions
Assessment for Learning Pre-Workshop Evaluation Levels of Attainment Assessments look for growth Complete p. 1, left column only Last 4 digits of cell phone number so you can ID yours at end of workshop
? Guiding Questions… How do you support teachers so they can effectively meet Standard 1? How do you identify evidence demonstrating effective teaching practice as defined in NEPF Standard 1?
The Administrative Evaluation is connected to the teacher rubric The Administrative Evaluation is connected to the teacher rubric. The Instructional Leadership Domain sets parameters for the administrator to be an instructional leader while also monitoring teacher performance. Look at the indicators for AILStandard 1 and think about places where teacher support and supervision live in this Admin Standard. Discuss with a shoulder partner.
What the Research Says . . . Evaluators need multiple opportunities and settings to observe and assess educator practice Multiple observations paired with timely feedback are a key part of building teacher expertise
MINI-OBSERVATIONS Seeing the daily reality of classrooms: Frequent Short Systematic Research says that after 18 minutes of observing in a classroom, you are maxed out for productivity. 10 – 12 minutes is all the evidence that you can engage in productively in a follow-up conversation. The announced 20 minute observation with a pre and post observation conference is required by law. You still must do that to meet your legal responsibility. Once you have met that requirement, it is the frequent, short, and systematic observations, where we can be more efficient at gathering evidence, engaging in follow-up conversations, and work with teachers to plan for their success. So how do you make that happen? Now that the standards and indicators are becoming very familiar to you, targeted observations and targeted note-taking is possible… MINI-OBSERVATIONS
“Do the math” for your school “Do the math” for your school *based on 150 days of potential days for observing # of teachers Minis for year # per day Stretch goal 60 600 3.3 4 50 500 2.7 3 40 400 2.2 30 300 1.7 2 20 200 1.1 10 100 .6 1 One approach is being called 10-10-10’s 10 mini observations per teacher throughout the year 10 mins per targeted observation With 10 mins of focused feedback A short observation followed by an informal brief conversation with the teacher is a combination of supervision, coaching and evaluation. 10-15 minute observations are sufficient to get a good idea over time how the teacher is functioning routinely One recommendation we have heard is to save the last two minutes of a mini to summarize what you’ve seen in the lesson before you even leave the room so that you have basic notes to come back to during the feedback conversaton. (The protocol says “postobservation conferences for announced or unannounced observations can be combined into a single meeting, regardless of the length of time between observations.”) Is it reasonable to set aside 20-40 minutes a day… Discuss with a partner how this fits in with your current practice and what adjustments you are considering based on this information.
Gathering Evidence on Standard 1 So now…let’s talk about how to be efficient and effective in gathering evidence on teacher practice during our announced observations as well as our minis… We have found that most of us have a superficial understanding of Standard 1—we will see the objective posted on the board and immediately check off Standard 1 As you look at the Indicators on the next slide, notice that Standard 1 goes much deeper than just posting the objective on the board
HO: Standard 1 THLIS packet, pages 2 & 3
“What students already know about the content is one of the strongest indicators of how well they’ll learn the new information.” -Robert Marzano ASCD Article: glue that makes learning stick; ability to unlock meaning; Robert Marzano, “What students already know about the content is one of the strongest indicators of how well they’ll learn the new information” The challenge for students and teachers is obvious, the background knowledge playing field is not equal
Key Ideas in Standard 1 Resources Indicators Description Notes Theory/ Literature Review Schema Misconceptions Eliciting Prior Knowledge HO: Intro to Literature Review, pages 1-3 HO: new CRESST version of Literature Review Standard 1, with margin notes pages 1-5 HO: Standard 1 Key Ideas from Theory and Research Groups of 3 Jigsaw, each take a section (Schema, Misconceptions, Eliciting Prior Knowledge) You may have read this awhile ago…take a moment to skim your section, noticing details you might not have noticed before and looking for the Most Important Point to share and one connection to what you have seen in classrooms. Share MIP and new insights in Round Table.
Learn & Share Activating Strategies Brainstorm what Standard 1 looks like in the classroom. What is the teacher doing/saying? What are students doing/saying? Chart paper in center of table Introduce T-chart as Set for upcoming article: The rubric emphasizes what the teacher is doing because after all it is a rubric for evaluating teacher instruction. However, students must be engaged in order to be learning. What are they doing and saying also? Table group discusses and writes what on T-chart what the teacher and students are doing and saying for Standard 1 (using Indicators, Description/Notes and Performance Levels) 2) HO Activating Strategies, 5 pp. They skim the strategies, each choosing at least one to add to the T-chart (that isn’t already there) This HO is a resource that you can use when supporting and coaching teachers. 39
IF WE DON’T IGNITE THE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF OUR STUDENTS WHEN WE TEACH, WE MAY FALL PREY TO… TREATING STUDENTS AS IF THEY ARE EMPTY VESSELS WAITING TO BE FILLED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TEACHER. Brazilian educational theorist Paulo Freire referred to this as “the banking concept” of our pedagogy—treating students as if they are empty vessels waiting to be filled with the knowledge of the teacher. Activating prior knowledge is a way of inviting students into the learning process. It’s not just “brain dump”; it places value on and honors what students already know. They have a role to play in the learning process as opposed to that banking concept.
Key Strategy
Making Learning Meaningful Connecting the area of study to students’ prior knowledge Connecting to varied student interests and events in their own lives Demonstrating to students the past, present and future value of what they are learning Connecting the students’ learning to students’ varied learning profiles Emphasize key vocabulary Some students come to us with limited prior knowledge or limited vocabulary with which they can express their prior knowledge. Some ways to build students’ background might be… https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/activating-prior-knowledge
Making Learning Meaningful Watch for those ideas in this video https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/activating-prior-knowledge 6 minutes Click for video link
Making Learning Meaningful Connecting the area of study to students’ prior knowledge Connecting to varied student interests and events in their own lives Demonstrating to students the past, present and future value of what they are learning Connecting the students’ learning to students’ varied learning profiles Emphasize key vocabulary Discuss with a partner which of these strategies you saw in the video
A central strategy for activating prior knowledge can be simple Questioning… The question you ask can really grab students… Include misconceptions with conceptual
Hook Their Interest ! Make questions an “itch” not a “scratch” Odd fact anomaly, counterintuitive example Provocative entry question Mystery Challenge Problem or issue Experiment-predict the outcome Role-play or simulation Personal experiences Emotional connection Humor
HO Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Model You are all familiar with DOK… This is about using appropriate levels of DOK in questioning during the activation process—what questions might you use at the outset to probe their existing understanding? Shape questions around how the knowledge can be used and why— What am I learning? Why am I learning it? How will I use it? With a partner, develop two questions that the teacher from the video we just watched could ask that would activate students’ prior knowledge.
Article: Designing Relevant Learning Relevance is Key See it in Action These two questions tie to DOK! HO: Show & Tell/ Designing Relevant Learning article by Fisher and Frey Read Relevance is Key section and See It In Action section
Video: Designing Relevant Learning How do you support teachers so they answer the question from students… “Why do we have to do this?” “Why are we learning this?” Click here for video link http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept14/vol72/num01/Designing-Relevant-Learning.aspx Here is how one teacher does it -- Show video to 4:36 Skim and discuss Your Turn section and ways to use article & video to support teachers. Use that information to answer the 2 questions from students… NOTE TO PRESENTERS “Click here for video link” takes you to ASCD for the Show & Tell/ Designing Relevant Learning article Scroll to the bottom of the article for Show & Tell: A Video Column text box with the video link You may have to give permission to use Flash Player
practice Background knowledge has been built about activating prior knowledge, relevance, etc. Now is time to practice
Recording Evidence from Observation of Standard 1 Take notes What is the teacher doing/saying? What are the students doing/saying? What is the task(s)? From Standard 2 PPT HO: 3 part targeted notetaker Tasks/ Teacher/ Students columns with space at bottom for Indicator Level Scores
1. Focus on student-centered evidence Strategies for Collecting Evidence… 1. Focus on student-centered evidence Capture evidence of impact of teacher’s behavior on student learning 2. Record evidence, not judgment Quotations, observed actions or movements by teacher and students, literal descriptors, etc. – No scoring during observation 3. Be an efficient note-taker Capture evidence aligned to the Standards - Establish abbreviations - Think note-taking not scripting Strategies for what to write on your note taker 1. Be an acute observer. Switch your focus to student learning… 2. Your purpose for recording evidence is so that you can reconstruct the lesson for the teacher in a conference 3. Use the data to make a claim based on the evidence—so capture actual words that were spoken or a picture of the problem completed as an example
Watch Video Click for Video Link https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/guided-groups-formative-assessment 5:47 minutes Guided Groups, Grade 7, ELA This is a chance to practice a mini-observation In the big picture, we can’t just randomly collect confirmatory evidence; it has to be linked to the observation Make note also of any confirmatory evidence that you notice during this video Click for Video Link
Think & Share What specific evidence did you see during the observation? What confirmatory evidence did you collect/review during the observation? At end of video, take a couple minutes to individually summarize your notes related to Standard 1– labeling evidence with 1, 2, 3, or 4 to correspond to the indicators of Standard 1
Standard 1 Video Talk With a partner, discuss the evidence you both collected for each indicator of Standard 1 and your initial level scores Using the master scores for this video, look at the description of evidence and work together to explain the level scores for each indicator HO: Master Scores for Guided Groups video, grade 7 (pages 1-2 only)
Reflection Questions ? How do you support teachers so they can effectively meet Standard 1? How do you identify evidence demonstrating effective teaching practice as defined in NEPF Standard 1? These were part of our Guiding Questions for today. Discuss with a partner
Reflect & Respond Readings Mini-observations with feedback to teacher Video – informational or practice Planning for next year https://nwrpdp.com/nepf/ We know that you are professionals, and we are going to give you a variety of choices for Homework. These are also resources that are available to you as you work with teachers on Standard 1. We ask that you spend at least an hour with one or more activities which you believe will enhance your understanding of Standard 1 or help you better support teachers as they implement Standard 1. You may spend that hour here…now…or on your own sometime in this next week. We have your email addresses and will send you the articles and video links You will need to >>>> Log your time and activities, documenting at least one hour of independent work. Jot a few notes to yourself, making meaning through a notetaker/ notemaker, reflection log, or summary of ideas. Come prepared to discuss…
Resources to use with teachers (electronic copies or links or location on NWRPDP website) Homework options EVERY STUDENT – Life Ready! College and Career Ready! Citizenship Ready!
Materials Standard 1 Materials to email and put on website Notebook? Presenter Materials Laptop, projector, speakers, MiFi, clicker, blue cables Powerpoint and handouts on flash Sign in sheet & name tags 2” binders with cover sheet and 8-tab dividers: Standard 1, Standard 2, Standard 3, Standard 4, Standard 5, Literature Review, Reflection Log (composition notebook, see note) Go bags 10 sheets chart paper Handouts to Copy NEPF Workshop Evaluation Overview, Admin Instructional Leadership Standards front and Admin. Professional Responsibility Standards back. Introduction to Lit Review, pages 1-3 Lit Review Standard 1, pages 1-5 (CRESST version) Key Ideas from Theory & Research Standard 1 THLIS Standard 1 Rubric with Indicators & Description Notes and Levels Activating Strategies for Use in the Classroom, pages 1-5 Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge Model Article: Show & Tell/ Designing Relevant Learning Notetaker: Tasks/ Teacher/ Students/ Score Facilitator Guide, Guided Groups (find under Standard 4 at CRESST) Standard 1 only, 2 pages Materials to email and put on website Powerpoint presentation without notes Introduction to Lit Review, pages 1-3 Lit Review Standard 1, pages 1-5 (CRESST version) Key Ideas from Theory & Research, Standard 1 Activating Strategies HO, pages 1-5 Article: Show & Tell/ Designing Relevant Learning Facilitator Guide, Guided Groups (find under Standard 4 at CRESST) Standard 1 only, 2 pages Article: Are You Tapping into Prior Knowledge Often Enough in Your Classroom? Edutopia Article: The Science Behind Student Engagement, Pearson white paper Article: Establishing Purpose for Yourself and Your Students Article: Show & Tell: A Video Column/ Transfer Goals for Deeper Learning Article: Instruction Matters! Linking and Making Connections Notebook? https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=3+hole+punched+composition+notebook&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#q=3+hole+punched+composition+notebook&safe=strict&tbm=shop&*&spd=4328643667783004294
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