The Flourish Project - Individual Giving Strategy To create, develop and implement a programme of fundraising from individuals to generate ongoing, sustainable income as part of the overall fundraising strategy. Our aim:
The Flourish Project - Individual Giving Strategy Our approach: 1. To identify, research and approach potential major gift donors 2. To create a wider framework for regular individual giving across all donation levels
The Flourish Project - Individual Giving Strategy Major Giving Identify Research Plan Involve Ask Confirm Steward The 7 Steps
The Flourish Project - Individual Giving Strategy Our Results (to date…): 40th Anniversary Appeal – total raised so far £12,000 Campaign Patron and lead donor secured Active and growing solicitation programme (from 0 -30+ in four months) Key personnel confident with structure & content of face to face asks Created a framework and toolkit with an emphasis on research and planning Tested potential for individual major gift fundraising going forward
The Flourish Project - Individual Giving Strategy Lessons Learned (to date…): Major gift fundraising is time consuming and labour intensive Good organisation is crucial and research and planning are critical to success Understanding and articulating the case for support is vital Always aim for face to face meetings and always agree follow up plans Enjoy it!