W.-H. Ip Zhongyi Lin, Ian Lai, Vickie Lee. Yuan Li NCU/MUST Rosetta/OSIRIS W.-H. Ip Zhongyi Lin, Ian Lai, Vickie Lee. Yuan Li NCU/MUST
Outline 4. Pits
W2 D=3.3x4.0x3.5 km T1 D=7.6x4.9 km2 T1 D=7.6x4.9 km2 T1 D=7.6x4.9 km2 T1 D=7.6x4.9 km H2 D=1.2-1.6 km
81P Wild 2 Depressions with quasi-circular p;anforms at size up to 2 km across/depth ~ 140 m. Nearly vertical wall/rubbles found at base. Size frequency distribution lies well above equilibrium cratering on Phobos and Deimos. Vapor flow driven-erosion and collapse and subsidence.
Cumulative Size Frequency Distribution/Wild 2
Comparison with Impact Craters http://www.astrosurf.com/lunascan/farside/LAC/lac_86_wac.jpg
Sublimation-driven erosion? Impact crater ? Steep-walled flat-floored circular depression
8P Tempel 1 Layering/repeated fluidization flow episodes because of release of supervolatile (CO/CO2) vapor trapped in amorphorous water ice ~ 100 m deep (Belton and Melosh 2009)?
103P Hartley 2 No Wild 2 crater-like depressions/no Tempel 1 layering. High outgassing activity. Water vapor emerging mostly from the waist region and CO2 from the small end.
Surface evolutionary track Belton (2010, 2012) Wild 2 (new) -> Tempel 1 -> Hartley 2 (old) Cheng, Lisse and A’Hearn (2013) Hartley 2 (new) -> Wild 2 -> Tempel 1 (old) 67P has characteristics of all three types.
Hatmehit and other landforms
67P circular depressions NAC_2014-08-08T03.20.34.562Z_ID30_1397549100_F22 NAC_2014-0808T04.20.34.577Z_ID30_1397549900_F22 WAC_2014-08-25T21.33.12.816Z_ID30_1397549500_F18_2
NAC_2014-08-08T05.20.34.560Z_ID30_1397549700_F22 NAC_2014-09-01T11.44.48.798Z_ID30_1397549400_F15 WAC_2014-08-25T15.19.13.740Z_ID30_1397549800_F18 WAC_2014-0825T17.33.13.823Z_ID30_1397549000_F18 WAC_2014-0825T19.05.13.767Z_ID30_1397549600_F18 WAC_2014-0825T21.33.12.816Z_ID30_1397549500_F18
Wild2 circle depression n2075we02r n2069we02r
Size-frequency distribution -0.805+-0.1 -1.98+-0.084
Size-frequency distribution -2.15+-0.06 -1.91+-0.47
Possible Erosion Effect Cheng, Lisse and A’Hearn (2013)
The q – variation of 67P (100 clones)
The q – variation of 81P Wild 2 (100 clones)
The q – variation of 9P Tempel 1 (100 clones)
Orbital History 81P Wild 2 103P Hartley 2 67P and 103P Hartley 2
Orbital statistics Comet Wild 2 youngest To be followed by comet Hartley 2 Comet Tempel 1 and comet 67P oldest http://discovery.nasa.gov/images/missions/next/comets-comparison.png
Pits & Jetlets Vincent et al. (2015) Vincent et al. (2015)
Lunar pits http://lh3.ggpht.com/_YoCIFkM3GQ8/TI_DDjudFiI/AAAAAAAAJ1o/2tw6JWBsfRw/s800/M126710873RE-pit-400.png
Evolution of a cometary pit Lunar pits Lunar pits Lunar pits Evolution of a cometary pit Vincent et al. (2015) (2013)
Active pits Vincent et al. (2015)
Sublimation-driven erosion? Impact crater ? Steep-walled flat-floored circular depression