Strategic fiscal planning and budgeting at school Principal of village Korbouli #2 Public School, Sachkhere Municipality 577 94 72 00
Managing/implementing Monitoring/evaluation Functions Managing/implementing Principal Implements budgeting with a principal’s board Monitoring/evaluation Board of trustees Approves financial report compiled by the principal Defining/approving Principal compiles budget and presents it to the board of trustees When making financial decisions and administering them, functions and obligations of the board of trustees, its committees, school principal and the rest of the staff must be properly differentiated.
Budgeting activities are divided into several major stages by us.
Defining and working out priorities, budgeting policy and budgeting calendar by the board of trustees and school principal. Preparing budget project. Discussing the budget project by the financial committee. Public hearing of the budget. Final discussion of the project by the financial committee and school principal. Final discussion of the budget by the board of trustees.
ბ ი უ ჯ ე ტ ი რ ე ბ ა Budgeting ბ ი უ ჯ ე ტ ი რ ე ბ ა Budgeting The following people take part in budgeting: School principal Teachers Pupils Parents
Budgeting comprises three major phases: Defining school priorities; Allocating funds according to the priorities (income, expenses); Passing the budget through voting (making decision).
priorities 1.Persons participating in school budgeting- school principal, teachers and parents- the first meeting is devoted to defining school development priorities; 2.After defining priorities, the next meeting is scheduled which is devoted to planning budget incomes and expenses, to allocating funds according to the priorities.
Voting is the last phase of budgeting Voting is the last phase of budgeting. According to priorities, income and expenses scheme defined before the meeting I compile and present for approval a budget project to meeting participants. During the meeting we analyze each issue and solve it by voting. The budget is approved through voting.
School budget sample
Major sources of non-budgetary income Funding from leasing school space. Funding from hiring out school vehicle. Funding obtained from selling pupils’ pictures. Income from school sapling/seeding farm. Donations from school alumni. Bank account interest. Funding from various grant projects. Aids from local self-governance. Aids from charity organizations (Atu, Burji, Kartu Group). Targeted assistance from local community.
Projects implemented by means of additional funding: Providing school staff with material stimulus (bonuses). Assisting socially disadvantaged children. Renewing the school interior. Buying microbus for the school. Renewing the school library. Equipping the school with computers and electric appliances. Fencing the school. Funding a small geographical guide. Funding events of teacher professional development. Financing a group of pre-school education. Funding pupils’ participation in various events (sports competitions, Olympiads, cultural-educational projects). Equipping and arranging a resource room for pupils with SEN. Material-technical provision of pupils’ clubs at school ( scout, ecoclub, geography, history, civic education). Funding subject departments.
projects implemented by means of additional funding
70 % of teachers are senior teachers. Outcomes of innovative budgeting All the measures taken resulted in raising quality of teaching/learning and significant growth of pupils’ outcomes. 70 % of teachers are senior teachers. The number of high achievers, golden and solver medal holders has increased. The number of pupils who were successful at different stages of school subject Olympiads has increased. The number of pupils who obtained full grants at universities has grown.
Thanks for your attention!