FACTS OF HAAGA-HELIA new, larger, international private University of Applied Sciences known for its high quality and connections to the business community Every 10th applicant of Finland applies, every 6th applicant gets in. 7 Units Haaga, Malmi, Pasila, Porvoo Point, Porvoo Pomo, Vallila and Vierumäki 10 000 students 600 staff www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
FIELDS OF EDUCATION + Research and Development and Business training www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
VISION AND MISSION The core of Mission Visio Service and selling PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND LEARNING Business Media Wellness Service and selling ICT EXPERIENCE COMMUNICATIONS UBIQUE SOLUTIONS TOOLS, SYSTEMS AND MODELS VOCATIONAL PEDAGOGY New pedagogical solutions Visio HAAGA-HELIA is a leading implementer of high-quality expertise, reformation and innovation needed for competitiveness of particularly in the service sector and entrepreneurship of Helsinki metropolitan area. Our main focuces in our activity are based on the needs of businesses and we have the capasity for flexible development and for proactive consideration of national and international trends. www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
FINNISH EDUCATION SYSTEM Comprehensive schools 3 9 Upper secondary schools 1 2 Vocational education Universities of Applied Sciences 4 4,5 Higher polytechnic degree programmes 1,5 10 Universities 5 Univ. of Applied Sciences 28 Universities 21 (www.arene.fi) www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH /BACHELOR Business Business Information Technology Tourism Management Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Multilingual Management Assistance Sports and Leisure Management www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH / MASTER Master level Tourism Management International BusinessManagement (August 2007 –>) www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
INTERNATIONAL HAAGA-HELIA international aspect included in the curriculum and all activities students have excellent opportunities to gain international experience during their studies: international studies, projects in cooperation with partner universities and companies, mobility opportunities 700 international degree students from 80 different countries 350 incoming exchange students/academic year 300 outgoing exchange students/academic year www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
FORMS OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Student mobility Teacher and staff mobility International project cooperation Curriculum development with international partners Research and development with international partners HAAGA-HELIA participates in the Life Long Learning, Nordplus and FIRST programmes www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
INTERNATIONAL PARTNER NETWORK 170 partner universities Membership in networks, e.g. The Leading Hotel Schools of the World Euhofa CIDD - Consortium of International Double Degrees Businet International Ice Hockey Federation www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018
SERVICES FOR INCOMING STUDENTS Great variety of courses in English, friendly study environment, small study groups Orientation programme at the beginning of each semester Opportunity to learn the Finnish/Swedish language and about the Finnish culture Study advising, assistance in practical issues Accommodation and pick-up service Peer tutors Freetime activites, trips – more info at www.kanto.fi www.haaga-helia.fi 10/09/2018