Hold on to Those Memories A floppy disk holds about 1 meg A typical memory stick holds 500 meg A CD ROM holds about 650 meg A DVD disk holds between 4 and 17 gigabytes RAM= Random Access Memory and is temporary ROM= Read Only Memory and is permanent
Easy as ABC or 65,66,67 Larry Bird’s initials in ASCII Code: 76&66 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language Larry Bird’s uniform number in binary: 00100001
AV Club Zip Drives,Digital Still Cameras and Memory Sticks tend to use the USB port Digital Video Cameras use the Firewire port Audio Files that Web users subscribe to are called Podcasts Two popular graphic file types are Jpeg and GIF Two popular Audio files are MP3 and WAV
That’s Short For… The word blog stands for weblog A new type of website that allows users to add or edit content is called a WIKI When you aggregate dozens of blogs into one, you are using technology called RSS
Size Matters An MP3 is a compressed audio file and typically might be 3 to 5 megabytes The point size of 72 equals 1 inch Use 1 space between sentences
Odds and Ends Baud Rate speed at which data travels and is expressed in bits per second A file server is a computer that holds data at a distance Pushing the space button repeatedly means you are not fully competent on the computer Two PC suffixes are doc and xls A computer virus can be defined as big trouble e
Rules, Rules, Rules The rule of 3 refers to the following 3 reminders when saving: know file folder saved in, name appropriately and know the network saved in The fourth rule is: specify the file type
We Got Sports The Red Sox last won the series in 2007. So much for the curse of the Bambino.
The End How’d you do?