The Color Code
Personality Individual differences in: Thinking Decision making Feelings Behaviors Remains fairly stable throughout life. What changes? Roles, habits, issues that matter to you, health, responsibilities and circumstances.
Color Code Motives Reds (Motivated by power) Power, productive, leaders, looking good Blues (Motivated by intimacy) Appreciated, intimacy, understanding, altruism Whites (motivated by peace) Peaceful, kind, independent, keeping a low profile Yellows (motivated by fun) Play, welcomes praise, emotional connections, popular, action
RED – The Power Wielders Strengths: Confident & Assertive Decisive & Determined Action oriented Disciplined & Responsible Leaders Think Logically Proactive & Productive Limitations: Like to be right May come off as harsh or critical May give priority to work vs. personal relationships May be poor listeners May have controlling or dominating traits
BLUE – The Do-Gooders Strengths Committed & loyal Prefers relationships vs. possessions Steady Love w/passion Comfortable in creative environments Strive to be the best Limitations: Moody & emotional Perfectionists Controlling Insecure May be Judgmental May be pessimistic Seeking approval and understanding from others
White – The Peacekeepers Strengths: Peaceful & Diplomatic Tolerant & Patient Gentle & Kind Satisfied & Content Patient Accepting Good listeners Limitations: Hold feelings in and don’t share Avoid conflict May not be willing to set goals May put themselves down May dislike working at other people’s pace
YELLOW-The Fun Lovers Strengths: Happy & Fun Playful & Exciting Charismatic & Popular Chatterbox Trusting & Carefree Enthusiastic Persuasive Spontaneous Limitations: May be self-centered May have lots of relationships but lacks close intimacy May have difficulty staying on track or finishing projects Indecisive Noncommittal
Color Connections Red & Red Fireworks, mutual respect, competition Red & Blue Blood, sweat & tears Red & White Fire and Ice Red & Yellow Friendly fire
Color Connections Blue & Blue Close and comfortable, trust each other Blue & White Mutual sensitivity – may complain about each other Blue & Yellow Hand in glove White & White Peace and tolerance but may not get a lot done White & Yellow Gentle Fun Yellow & Yellow Sparkle and shine but easily distracted
What can you do with this? Recognize that everyone has strengths and areas for growth Accept people for who they are Learn to navigate life with different personalities Try and figure out how to be part of the solution when dealing with personality clashes Develop better relationships