It also covers the annual performance per programme. PROGRAMME 1-5: OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT The presentation covers a report for quarter 4 of 2016/17 financial year. It also covers the annual performance per programme. The graph on the left is for Q4 and the one on the right is for Annual performance.
Q4 OVERALL DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE There were 23 targets to be achieved by the Department during the quarter under review. In total, 19 targets were achieved and 4 not achieved. This amounts to 82% achievement. When achievement of 3 targets that were carried over from previous quarters are included, the performance changes to 85% (26 targets: 22 Achieved: 4 Not Achieved). Annual Achievements: 82% [23 out of 28].
ANNUAL DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE Annual Performance: 2016/17 Annual Achievements: 82% [23 out of 28].
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Q4: There were 3 targets to be achieved during the quarter under review. The training target was achieved in the previous quarters, making the non-achievement in Q4 insignificant. Thus, in reality, only 1 target (creditor payment age) was not achieved. The achievement against the target carried over from Q2 is not reflected in the graph. It will be reflected in the Annual achievement. Annual: 3 targets achieved against the planned 4.
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ACHIEVEMENTS Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action 1.1. Moderation for performance assessments concluded for previous cycle by the end of the following financial year. 100% No target But a report on finalisation status was expected as 71% achievement was reported in Q3 29% Carried over from Q2 None 1.2. Number of employees trained. 60 20 46 65 Status marked as achieved because the annual target has been achieved
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ACHIEVEMENTS Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action 1.3. Number of client satisfaction surveys conducted 1 Internal 1 None 1.4. Creditor payment age (days) 30 >30 Invoice disputes between SRSA and service providers affect the overall achievements of the target. Although target was not achieved the majority of the invoices were processed within 30 days. A system of isolating disputed invoices will be put in place to ensure that such invoices do not affect the overall invoice payment age. Service providers will also be engaged herewith.
PROGRAMME 1: OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT Achievements: The moderation of performance assessments that was partially achieved in quarter 2, was completed in the period under review. The client satisfaction survey report was presented to management and consequently approved. The survey results will go a long way in assisting with decision-making. Challenges: Creditor payment age of 30 days: Even though the majority of the invoices are finalised within 30 days, overall achievement of this indicator is still a challenge. However, resolving this challenge is one of our priorities because of the implications that non-adherence has, especially to small businesses. The Department is working on a system of isolating disputed invoices to ensure that such invoices do not affect the overall invoice payment age, until such time that they are corrected by the service provider.
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION There were 9 targets to be achieved by the programme during the quarter under review. 3 targets were achieved and 6 targets were not achieved. However, annual targets of 4 of the indicators have already been achieved in the previous quarters. Therefore, in reality, only 2 targets were not achieved. Annual Achievement: 8 out of 10
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Active Nation Active recreation programmes implemented. 2.1. Number of recreation promotional campaigns and events implemented per year 3 Youth Camp Big Walk Recreation Day- 3 1 Big Walk 4 The other events were reported on, in q3 None Sub-programme: Community Sport Sport participation opportunities provided to communities 2.2. Number of sport promotional campaigns and events implemented per year. 2 Indigenous Games, Nelson Mandela Sport and Culture Day. - N/A 2 2.3 Number of people actively participating in sport and recreation promotion campaigns and events per year. 11 700 Participants from 2.1 & 2.2 above. 7 800 13 182 21 955 The Big Walk as a mass-based event, attracted more participants than anticipated.
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: School Sport School sport programme supported. 2.4 Number of national school sport championship supported per year. 3 National School Sport Championships. 1 National School Sport Champion. 2 The Autumn Championships could not be held in Q4 due to financial constraints. Host the event in Q1 of 2017/18 2.5 Number of participants in national school sport championships per year. 7 500 1 500 2 479 8 656 Growing interest from schools since the championship is focused on fewer codes. The status is marked as achieved because the annual target is already achieved. None
Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination Provincial sport development programmes supported. Funded from Conditional Grant. 2.6 Number of people actively participating in organised sport and recreation events. 1 300 000 380 000 88 057 Verification in process 379 167 (incl. part of the unverified preliminary output) Delayed reports from provinces are still being verified for inclusion in the annual Report. The reported number may change. None 2.7 Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a district level. 38 766 10 000 3 278 Recorded as achieved by virtue of the annual target having been achieved already. 51 489 Delayed reports from provinces are still being verified for inclusion in the annual Report. The reported number may change. However, the target is already achieved. This because more schools showed interest to participate in the programme- hence, the exceeded annual target. 2.8 Number of schools, hubs and clubs provided with equipment and/or attire as per the established norms and standards 2 500 300 28 2 784 Verification for Q4 is in process. However, the annual target is already achieved.
Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination 2.9 Number of athletes supported by sports academies per year. 3 400 1 000 6 473 Intervention by management in withholding funding for non-achievement and/or reporting, urged provinces to report better. Status is marked achieved because annual target is achieved. None 2.10 Number of academies supported. 35 10 38 14 (each academy is counted once even if supported more than once) Intervention by management in withholding funding for non-achievement and/or reporting, urged provinces to report better
PROGRAMME 2: OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT Achievements: Targeted participants were exceeded. This is because mass-based events such as the Big Walk provides open access to participants. While at planning stage a particular target may be set, the mobilisation efforts around the event and consequent interest from the public. Challenges: The Autumn Championships could not be held in Q4 due to financial constraints. The event was held in 1st quarter of 2017/18 and will be reported during the 1st quarter reporting period. Because of delayed reporting, the reported quarter 4 information excludes final verified performance evidence. The Department is undertaking a verification process to clean up reports that provinces have submitted. However, where achievement is reported, this is because the targets were met following the verification of quarter 3 performance information. Therefore, the final verification of performance information will only increase the reported numbers of achievement. A serious challenge is with indicator 2.6: This indicator is targeted at 1.3 million participants. We have noted that the problem starts at planning, where provinces target low in order to achieve their targets, while their consolidated achievements do not make up the national target.
PROGRAMME 3: WINNING NATION There were 5 targets to be achieved by the programme. 6 targets were achieved. One target (a q3 target) is reported on, in Q4 because it was not reported on, in q3. This achievement is not reflected in the graph; but is included in the Annual achievement. Annual Achievement: 6 out of 7
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Scientific Support Scientific support services coordinated for athletes 3.1 Number of SASCOC MOU progress reports evaluated. 4 1 None 3.2 Number of athletes supported through the Ministerial Sport Bursary Programme. 60 10 66 Each athlete counted once. The successful placement of learners from the 2015 school champs cohort - At the time of planning, it was not known as to how many learners will successfully undertake their pre-placement tests.
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective action Sub-programme: Scientific Support Scientific support services coordinated for athletes 3.3 Number of athletes supported through scientific support programmes per year. 80 20 4 7 359 Due to the support that was required for the potential Rio Olympics and Paralympics athletes, as well as the AUSC Region 5 activities, more athletes were supported. The q4 status is marked achieved because annual target is already achieved. None
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Continues…… PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Scientific Support Government responsibility towards anti-doping supported. 3.4 Number of drug-free support agencies supported. 4 RADO WADA CDA SAIDS 1 The target is marked as achieved because the annual target is already achieved. None Sub-programme: Major Events Support. Major event supported. 3.5 Number of major international events receiving intra-governmental support per year
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Continues…… PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Major Events support. Sport tourism to South Africa promoted 3.6 Number of national & international sporting events, exhibitions or conferences used to showcase SA as a sports tourist destination. 1 Olympics & Paralympic Games – Rio. - N/A None Sub-programme: Recognition Systems. Achievements in the sport and recreation sector acknowledged. 3.7 Number of recognition and honouring events. 4 Sport Awards, Ministerial Outstanding Sport Performance Accolates event. Andrew Mlangeni Green Jacket Programme Honouring Women in sport. 2 AMGJA RASA 7 Since the Andrew Mlangeni Green Jackets Awards, (a q3 target) was not reported on, in q3 it thus had to be reported on, in q4. So are Regional Sport awards.
PROGRAMME 3: OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT Achievements: All targets for the period under review have been achieved. All Ministerial Bursary beneficiaries (66) were supported during the period under review. This is in addition to those who received support during the previous quarters. The Andrew Mlangeni Green Jacket Awards are reported on, in the period under review. This could not be reported on, in quarter 3 because of delayed proof of evidence. Similarly, the Regional Sports Awards are reported on, during this period. Challenges: None.
PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT There were 4 targets to be achieved by the programme during the quarter under review. 3 targets were achieved; and 1 was not achieved. Achievement against 1 target that was carried over, is not reflected on the graph; but is included in the Annual achievement. Annual Achievement: 4 out of 5
PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation Service Providers. Good governance supported. 4.1 Number of federations pledging support for the Code of Conduct 40 10 22 21 41 Target marked as achieved because the annual is already achieved. None Sport and recreation bodies supported. 4.2 Number of sport and recreation bodies receiving financial and non-financial support in an effort to assist them in meeting their transformation targets per year. 60 - 20 18 68 2 q1 0 q2 48 q3 (2 bodies paid twice and counted once) Because of delayed submission of documents from federations, transfers were done in Q4 Transformation of South African sport adequately addressed. 4.3 Number of national federations entering into transformation barometer agreements with the Minister. 6 Lengthy consultation of stakeholders
PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Continues…….. PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: International relations Strategic bilateral relations managed and strengthened. 4.4 Number of bilateral exchanges implemented. 3 1 5 Countries Q2: Cuba; India; Bulgaria Q3: India Zimbabwe Jamaica The target is marked as achieved because the annual target is already achieved.. None Participation in the strategic multilateral relations managed. 4.5 Number of status reports detailing multilateral engagements supported. 4 Q1: AU Q2: UNESCO Q3: AUSC Region 5 WADA
PROGRAMME 4: OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT Achievements: All targets, bar 1, were achieved. Where the ‘actual’ for the period under review is lower than the target, but reported as ‘achieved’, the reason is because the target was met in quarter 3 or the ‘actual’ despite being low in quarter 4, has led to the achievement of the annual target. Challenges: National federations entering into transformation barometer agreements with the Minister: The target hereof was not achieved because of lengthy consultations. The Department has prioritised the signing of these agreements because of their impact on transformation assessments.
PROGRAMME 5: INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT There were 2 targets to be achieved by the programme and they were achieved. Annual Achievement: 2 out of 2
PROGRAMME 5: INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2016/17 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 4 Progress Comments Quarter 4 Target as per APP Quarter 4 Output – Preliminary Validated (Actual) Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation facility planning. Access to sport and recreation facilities 5.1 Number of provinces with a facility count completed. 9 None Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation facility management Technical and management support provided. 5.2 Number of post support reports produced. 4 1 1 q1 1 q2 1 q3
PROGRAMME 5: OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT Achievements: The second phase of the facility count was completed. The Department is looking into how to ensure the maintenance of the facilities register, so that we do not later on, have a need to undertake another count. What is to follow is a fully-fledged facilities audit. Because of funding challenges, we have targeted the completion of 1 audit per financial year. The Department continued supporting municipalities with technical aspects of facility construction.