Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Intense fear of gaining weight Distorted body image Develop unusual and rigid eating habits Excessive exercise habits
Anorexics May use laxatives and diet pills Exercise Excessively Lose their menstrual cycle Bones become brittle Can Lead to: Lower Heart rate and body temperature Stunted Growth Death by starvation
Binge Eating Disorder Eat abnormally large amounts of food in short period of time. (Usually lasts under 2 hours) Often occurs when person is emotionally upset or under a lot of stress.
Bulimia Nervosa Binge eating followed by purging to prevent weight gain. Purging – self induced vomiting Abuse: Laxatives Diuretics Usually stay w/in 10-15 lbs of a healthy weight.
Binging Episodes usually last under 2 hours Usually occurs when person is emotionally upset Causes same problems that overweight people have. Usually very distressed by their binging
Bulimics Purge after binging Have distorted sense of body shape and weight. Eat in secret Binge on high calorie foods Can eat 3,000 – 5,000 calories at a time. Lost potassium, which results in fatigue, kidney and heart problems. Esophogus may rupture.