By- Heather Leonard and Sam Santoro Bulimia By- Heather Leonard and Sam Santoro
Information Eating disorder in which a person binges and purges Binge-to eat large quantities of food Purge-to vomit They often use laxatives or diuretics to vomit
Facts Most people with bulimia look perfectly normal-some may be overweight Bulimia was diagnosed as an eating disorder in the 1980s Sometimes they consume up to 20,000 calories at a time!! Binge on “comfort foods,” like sweets, etc. There is no known specific cause of bulimia
Teens with Bulimia Often females at the ages of 15-24 May have normal weight Aware of feeling guilty and cannot change Know that they are hungry so they eat Most likely to get help They have negative body images
Symptoms of Bulimia Eating uncontrollably Purging Strict dieting Fasting-don’t eat for days Vigorous exercise Using the bathroom frequently after meals Vomiting blood Blood shot eyes Bloating/Heartburn/Indigestion Depression and mood swings Dental problems Swollen glands in neck and face
Aspects of Bulimia Binge in private and still eat regular amounts with others Have a secret place to binge Steal and hide food Eat food quickly so it’s not discovered Exercise and diet in between binges
Bulimia usually occurs: Treatment to Bulimia: They turn to starvation to lose weight Then as they get hungry they feel compelled to eat and go on a binge They then feel guilty and purge And the cycle continues They have to develop new ways to gain self- confidence It takes doctors to deal with the physical health problems Takes family and friends to help with the emotional health problems
Summary Bulimia is an eating disorder in which the person binges and purges. They often have normal weight, but terrible body images causing them to want to be thin. They secretly eat large amounts of food in private and normal amounts in public, then purge in secret. Bulimia can be cured with the help of doctors’, family’s, and friends’ support.
Works Cited Page The textbook-pages 90, 332, 335 pg content/uploads/2009/07/bulimia.2.jpg
Answers: Questions: 1)People with Bulimia look overly skinny. True or false? 1) False-they often look normal 2) To vomit 2) What does it mean to purge? 3) The 1980’s 3) When was Bulimia diagnosed as an eating disorder?