MBIO 320–Microbial diagnosis Course Syllabus Dr. Ayman S. Mubarak, Ph.D Office: 1B 10/1 Office hours: (Sunday and Tuesday 10 a.m - 12 p.m) E-mail: aymubarak@ksu.edu.sa Site: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/aymubarak/home
Course Information Lecture time: Sun 1:00 -1:50 p.m. Credits: 2 hrs (1+1) Prerequisites: MBIO 240, 250, 260 and 270
Aims of the course To learn The technique of Samples collection, transport processing and storage condition for microbial diagnosis of human diseases. Different molecular techniques used for diagnosis. Examples of some microbial diagnosis.
Expected Learning Outcomes By the end of this course you will be: Able to collect and transport and storage the microbial samples. Able to prepare microbial samples for molecular diagnosis and sera-diagnosis. Able to identify and diagnose some microbial diseases.
Topics to be covered List of Topics No. of Weeks Contact Hours Specimens collection, transport and processing 1 Culture based methods and biochemical reactions for diagnosis Serological diagnosis for different pathogens. 2 Molecular methods used for pathogens diagnosis 3 Diagnosis of bacterial and fungal diseases Diagnosis of viral infections Diagnosis of some selected microbial examples such as viruses, bacteria and fungi….etc
Grades Distribution Criteria Assessment Week due *Research project assignment 10% Week 13, Sun 1 pm Mid-term Exam 1 Week 8th Mid-term Exam 2 Week 14th Lab report and Exam 30% Final Exam 40%
Recommended textbook Richard S., David G., John S.C.B., Mike P.F.B. (2007). Medical Microbiology: A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogenesis, Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control. Science health. 17th edition.
Useful online resources http://www.slideshare.net Youtube: microbial diagnosis based lectures