BIM in Education: North Carolina A&T State University School of Technology Ben Obinero Uwakweh
North Carolina A&T State University Founded in 1891 1890 Land-Grant University Doctoral/Research Intensive Greensboro, North Carolina Population of Greensboro 247,183/County 465,931 A&T located on 187 acres in Greensboro University farm East of City Limits, 567 acres Global Student Body (11,000 Students) Bachelor’s (89), Master’s (45) and Doctoral (5) Degree Granting Institution BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
Academic Disciplines Engineering Nursing Arts & Sciences Graduate School Education Business & Economics Technology Agriculture BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
The School of Technology Profile The School of Technology SoT Departments: Construction Management and Occupational Safety & Health Electronics Technology Graphics Technology Manufacturing Systems BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
Current BIM Applications in SoT Architectural Design & Modeling (Revit) Digital Architecture *Advanced CAD: Project Base Architectural Rendering & Animation *Architectural Design & Drafting *Senior Capstone * Project **Lead Professor: Dr. Tony E. Graham BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
Illustration of Correction made to BIM BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
BIM Application in University of Cincinnati: CS Department Problem in Architecture (I, II, III) Construction Management (I, II, III) Value Engineering (VE) Integration into Design ** Lead Professor: Eric Inglert, AIA BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
Illustration with AET & CM Curricula BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
D C M D – C– C –M Continuum Specs Delivery System Bid Document User Comfort Contract Concept Maintain Design Sustainability Value Engineering Constructability Budget & Cost Construct Cost Schedule Time Safety D – C– C –M Continuum BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology
BIM in SoT Our Vision Course Offering Typical Student Output Develop a Curriculum Based on BIM -ARCH (link to March) -HVAC Develop Research Agenda on BIM -Constructability, Safety, Cost Effectiveness -Project Delivery System -Sustainability: Green Construction Point of Contact Dr. Tony E. Graham BIM in Education: NC A&T State University School of Technology