First Grade Curriculum Night Cox Mill Elementary School September 13, 2016
Daily Schedule 7:45 – 8:15 D.E.A.R time in Hall 8:15 – 9:00 Science/Social Studies 9:05 – 9:55 Specials 10:00 – 10:40 Writing Workshop 10:45 – 11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Recess 12:00 – 1:30 Reader’s Workshop (Interactive Read Aloud, Independent Work Time, and Shared Reading) 1:30 – 2:40 Math Workshop 2:40-2:50- Pack up & Dismissal
Field Trips Arts Council Asheboro Zoo- October 19th Tarradiddle Players Patterson Farm-Dirt on Dirt Background Checks
Communication Folders Folders are sent home on Friday and should be returned to school every Monday. Please make sure you take out the information inside and go through it on Friday after school.
Agendas May be used to record daily behavior, homework, and word study words each week.
Major Math Concepts Operations and Algebraic Thinking Add and Subtract within 20 Solve Problems involving add. & sub. Commutative Property of Addition Associative Property of Addition Number & Operations in Base Ten Count to 120 (read, write, word form, tally marks,) Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
Major Math Concepts Continued Measurement & Data Comparing lengths of objects. Tell time to hour and half hour. Organize, represent, and interpret data. Geometry (2-D & 3-D) Build and draw shapes. Distinguish between defining attributes versus non-defining attributes. Composition of shapes. Fractions.
Reading Expectations Reading Literature and Informational Texts Key ideas and details. Craft and structure. Integration of knowledge and ideas. Range of reading and level of text complexity. Reading Foundational Skills Print concepts Phonological awareness Phonics and word recognition Fluency.
Writing Expectations Language Text types and purposes Opinion (Persuasive) Informative (Non-fiction) Narratives Responding to questions Language Conventions of grammar Conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
Word Study Research based approach on spelling instruction Instruction based on developmental spelling levels which allows for differentiation Based on learning spelling patterns through word sorts and not just memorization of words. Helps to create lifelong spellers where students can apply strategies and patterns learned in their everyday life. Students get spelling list each Monday Spelling Tests each Friday
Science Forces and Motion Earth and Moon Earth’s Properties Ecosystems Living Organisms: Basic Needs
Social Studies Community Understanding Diverse Cultures Change over time-People and Places Economic Choices Environment Holidays
Assessments Reading 3-D/ TRC Accuracy Fluency Retelling Written Comprehension (Levels F & up) Phoneme Segmentation Nonsense Words
Math Assessments Writing Assessments Unit Assessments Dreambox Assessments Daily formative assessments Writing Assessments Samples throughout the year
Dreambox Formative assessments are used in the units. These assessments open up a series of lessons for the unit until students demonstrate mastery. Collects data to keep children in a proximal learning zone. It is very important that your child does the lessons on their own with no guiding from parents.
Standards-Based Report Cards Standards-Based Grading assesses a student’s overall work and most recent work so it tells us what a student has learned. Student progress will be reported on a quarterly basis toward the “end of the year standard” Students may receive a “2” on the report card as they are making progress toward proficiency
Extras Check your teacher’s website PBIS Lunch – please understand that students will be able to purchase extras in the cafeteria that range from $.75-$2.75. We are unable to monitor due to helping students at the tables. Please discuss with your child and the cafeteria if you do not wish for them to buy these. Current events/global awareness Progress Reports
Questions? If you have a specific question about your child, please write it on the sticky note along with your name and your teacher’s name and we will get back to you with answer as soon as possible.