San Antonio Open House 2017-18 Welcome Families!
Mr. Kurt Browning Superintendent of Schools Superintendent Browning's Message Click on the link
SAES Administration Mrs. Kim Anderson, Principal Mrs. Donna College, Assistant Principal
Teacher Introduction Please add names and pictures of the team
AT SAES we will… San Antonio Elementary School will provide a quality, enriched education with high expectations of success for ALL in a safe, positive, and motivating environment.
Welcome Cambridge Programme Cambridge International examinations prepare school students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. (10,000 schools & 40 countries) Cambridge is a part of Cambridge Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge International qualifications are recognized by the world’s best universities and employers, giving students a wide range of options in their education and career Non-for-profit organization =all resources are devoted to developing and delivering high-quality educational programme that unlock a learner’s potential
The Importance of Attendance Students are more likely to succeed in academics if they attend school consistently. Students not in class have fewer opportunities to learn material. Absences have an impact on the teacher’s ability to move forward with the class. Make-up work does not take the place of teacher instruction, discussions, and hands-on opportunities. Research suggests a direct correlation between drop out rates and poor attendance beginning in kindergarten.
School Hours School office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Arrival should be between 9:20 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. Breakfast begins at 9:20 a.m. for ALL students 9:45 a.m. tardy bell 3:50 p.m. is dismissal No office check outs after 3:30 p.m.
Arrival and Dismissal Please follow all Arrival & Dismissal Procedures for your child’s safety. Car Loop Drop off begins at 9:20 a.m. Pull all the way through the line Please do not use your cell phone at this time for utmost safety of our students. Cars must have student car tags visible for identification Our car line is a one way counter clockwise circle at all times Bus Loop Visitors cars are not permitted in the bus loop. Walk Up Pick Up Families who use the walk up pick up must have a student tag as identification
Lunch Time Parent visitors, please check in at the front office for a badge. Please wait at the picnic area for your child’s class to head to lunch. Lunch visitors are only cleared for this area of the campus. They may not walk to classrooms. You can only take your child for lunch. Return your badge to the office and check out.
ReadyGEN Is our state and district approved core reading curriculum Standards align to our FSA assessment/End of Course exams Uses a set of texts to build knowledge around a topic Embeds reading, vocabulary, writing and grammar
IRLA Reading IRLA stands for Independent Reading Leveling Assessment Is used as a formative assessment to demonstrate reading strengths Teachers individually conference with students to set a reading goal and monitor progress Color levels help us understand the skills needed to master each grade level
Eureka Is our state and district approved core mathematics curriculum Standards align to our FSA assessment/End of Course exams The series is arranged by Big Ideas
Content – Science and Social Studies Science and Social Studies standards are embedded with our ReadyGEN reading series Science and social studies are also taught outside of the reading series through the Social Studies text book TCI and Science Fusion Students take an end of course exam to assess grade level standards
Special Areas Art is a 45 minute weekly class Music is a 45 minute weekly class PE is a 45 minute 3x weekly class All Specials areas take an end of course exam to assess grade level standards
Media Center Is open and available daily for students to check out books before Teachers also have a scheduled weekly time for book check out Most of the books in the media center are color leveled to match IRLA
Weekly Folders and Homework School wide information from administration and PTA will be sent home in Friday folders each week Monthly newsletters will also be distributed in the weekly folder Teachers add info. here regarding homework folders
Bullying ZERO Tolerance BULLLYING IS: Aggressive behavior intended to cause harm. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional. Usually repeated over time. Often there is an imbalance of power or strength. BULLLYING IS NOT: Usually an isolated incident Unintentional A form of conflict with two parties of equal status or power BULLYING CAN BE: Cyberbullying Social or Relational Verbal Physical
Together we CAN make a Difference! Students, parents, and staff are encouraged to work together to prevent bullying and all forms of harassment, including sex-based harassment. Students found to have engaged in acts of bullying, including sex-based harassment will be subject to prompt disciplinary action, including, if warranted, suspension or expulsion. The District School Board of Pasco County does not tolerate bullying. The District is committed to taking immediate action to eliminate bullying, prevent its recurrence, and reduce its effects.
Discipline Plan Positive Behavior Support Gophers Will… Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Be Brave
Do you want to follow us at SAES? Our website is Find us on Facebook @SanAntonioElementary Find Pasco County Schools @pascoschools for district wide announcements Find us on Twitter @SAESGophers Find Pasco County Schools on Twitter @pascoschools If you do not want your child to be identified on these sites and/or in the newspaper, please ask your child’s teacher for a NON-RELEASE Form.
Where to next? Primary Students 5:00pm – 6:30 pm Rotation 1 5:00 pm Kindergarten classroom First grade music Second grade cafeteria Rotation 2 5:30 pm Rotation 3 6:00 pm Intermediate Students 6:30pm – 8:00 pm Rotation 1 6:30 pm Third grade classroom Fourth grade music Fifth grade cafeteria Rotation 2 7:00 pm music Fourth grade Rotation 3 7:30 pm Please visit The Bacon Boss Food Truck in the bus loop Please visit the book fair in the media center