Social media strategy Instagram paid ads after you scroll 3 images making it a sponsored ad. Getting its traffic through facebook by putting more & more paid ads which reaches out to lot amount of audience. YouTube paid ads just works well when Snapdeal want to show its discounting or sale market.
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Growth hacking tools Referral programs: referring a link to your friend & getting a snapdeal free coupon. E-mail for discounts/sale/customer feedback which shows the transparency of buying through this E-comm. SMS’s is a great tool to keep up with your audience & letting them know about any current running offers which snapdeal uses very well to build its strong connection with its audience.
Other marketing ideas Snapdeal support for 24*7 Their seller support is quite active for helping out their new vendors from uploading their products to teaching them how they can have good Sales. Referring a particular bank account to attain rewards/coupons. They have even started charity by asking to the buyer as: Donate meal for kids just at the top of their website. Shows good sign of faith & trust they create in the minds of people.